no more wrong texture-coordinates, normals, etc, there are way too much people messing with such an easy format
 anyway, here it is - the xsi-interface looks slightly different (eq. it has no "Show maps in viewport")
 normals are generated on import depending on smoothing groups (most obj-files have wrong normals)

 version 0.92b changes:
 - imports some more obj's from other applications, even if they are "not so well" formated
 - import of lines, this lines can have materials applied
 - import of multisided polys (not only quads)
 - minor material fixes
 - made it fit for using in scripts
 - paning listviews & treeviews: middle mouse button (like in max viewports)
 - 64-bit support
 - download-archive contains a script to help you with "mass-imports"

 version 0.93b changes:
 - spinner-undo was not working correct

 version 0.94b changes:
 - added support for Map-Channels

 if you want to use this plugin in a script, you have to move /stdplugs/obj2max.dli to some place max can't find it,
 or the script will use the obj-importer that comes with max !!!

replace or add to scene
 use object-prefix
create one single mesh


flip axis for poser-imports

center pivots,
or all pivots are at [0,0,0]

no shape import for now

import texture coordinates

import smoothing groups

resize imported objects

wirecolor for objects

import materials

use a material prefix

ammount of bump to set

set ambient to black

add materials to mat-editor

maps visible in viewports

write a logfile when
used with scripting

 if maps are not found, a dialog will ask what to do:

Skip: ignores current map

don't bother me again: wont bother you again
      with such a question

Add Search Path: choose the path where your maps are
      all sub-directories are included in this search
      so, for poser it's enough to use "Runtime"
      the exacter the path, the shorter the search,
      dont use root of you 500Gb partition :)
      it will remember this path on next import

 for MAX only, maybe in the future for XSI too
 supports only std max materials, bitmaps and procedural maps, other material types will follow
 objects are exported a you see them in viewports:
 if you have eq. a cylinder with a bend-modifier, and the cylider is selected in modifier-stack,
 only the cylinder will be exported not the "bended" cylinder
 if "show end result" is on, you see the bend in viewports, and export will work as expected
 when exporting a frame of an animation, it will export the actual frame

 version 0.92b changes:
 - export of polygons (no limit)
 - removed "split polys by MatID/smGroup"
 - export of shapes/lines (with materials)
 - additional preset for Mudbox
 - made it fit for using in scripts
 - paning listviews & treeviews: middle mouse button (like in max viewports)
 - 64-bit support

 version 0.93b changes:
 - spinner-undo was not working correct

 if you want to use this plugin in a script, you have to move /stdplugs/max2obj.dle to some place max can't find it,
 or the script will use the obj-exporter that comes with max !!!

flip axis, so Z is up

export shaps and lines

export hidden objects (or not)

export tris/quads/polygons

export texture coordinates

export normals

export smoothing groups

scale exported objects

write a logfile when
used with scripting

choose a preset

export materials

create mat-library

set ambient color to black

open material dialog (see below)

target platform

use relative vertex-numbering

precision of output-values

optimize by removing
redundant coordinates
gives smaller file size

open preset-configuration
(see below)

use map-path below

current map-path

export bump-ammount, tile offset
most importers cant read it !!
convert maps to specified format below

renders procedurals as bitmaps

output format

choose a map-path

Map Channel to export
auto: let the plugin choose the Map Channel

resize maps to given size below
2n: resize to nearest power of 2

setup output format

size of map output

comes with lots of presets...

...and a export-statistics

some last notes:
My importer refuses to import crappily formatted exports from other applications.
If you don't like this type of behaviour, you can always use Polytrans,
but be ready to watch a backwards running progress bar.
You will also get a camera imported that you don't need which is placed incorrectly.
Yes, Polytrans has an option not to add a camera, but even when this option is selected a camera is still added.
Here is a little tip on the progress bar issue, if you don't update the progress bar after every byte is read,
it will be much faster. Hmmm and they call themselves 'professionals'

its realy annoying to see what people are doing to this poor obj-format
one of the worst is lightwave, version 9 and still no clue how to write a simple obj...
eq. a big vertextable for all objects, then before each face/quad the texture-coords, what's that crap ?
2nd: some faces from object A, then some from object B, again some from A
vertex-indices positive, texture-indices negative tells a lot about how they "manage" their objects internaly
and i was thinking poser exports the worst format...

another tip for this riptide c4d exporter, why are no names of objects exported
why they are defined in a self-invented tag (#r) ???
or are there no names in the best app of the universe ?

PS: I realise I may offend some people by making such statements.
However, it makes me happy knowing that at the very least, I managed to inform of you of such issues.
We have a right to expect more from software developers.