function AbortCinematicFadeBJ takes nothing returns nothing if (bj_cineFadeContinueTimer != null) then call DestroyTimer(bj_cineFadeContinueTimer) endif
if (bj_cineFadeFinishTimer != null) then call DestroyTimer(bj_cineFadeFinishTimer) endif endfunction
function AcosBJ takes real degrees returns real return Acos(degrees) * bj_RADTODEG endfunction
function AddHeroXPSwapped takes integer xpToAdd, unit whichHero, boolean showEyeCandy returns nothing call AddHeroXP(whichHero, xpToAdd, showEyeCandy) endfunction
function AddItemToStockBJ takes integer itemId, unit whichUnit, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing call AddItemToStock(whichUnit, itemId, currentStock, stockMax) endfunction
function AddItemToStockBJ takes integer itemId, unit whichUnit, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing call AddItemToStock(whichUnit, itemId, currentStock, stockMax) endfunction
function AddItemToStockBJ takes integer itemId, unit whichUnit, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing call AddItemToStock(whichUnit, itemId, currentStock, stockMax) endfunction
function AddSpecialEffectLocBJ takes location where, string modelName returns effect set bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectLoc(modelName, where) return bj_lastCreatedEffect endfunction
function AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ takes string attachPointName, widget targetWidget, string modelName returns effect set bj_lastCreatedEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(modelName, targetWidget, attachPointName) return bj_lastCreatedEffect endfunction
function AddUnitAnimationPropertiesBJ takes boolean add, string animProperties, unit whichUnit returns nothing call AddUnitAnimationProperties(whichUnit, animProperties, add) endfunction
function AddUnitToStockBJ takes integer unitId, unit whichUnit, integer currentStock, integer stockMax returns nothing call AddUnitToStock(whichUnit, unitId, currentStock, stockMax) endfunction
function AddWeatherEffectSaveLast takes rect where, integer effectID returns weathereffect set bj_lastCreatedWeatherEffect = AddWeatherEffect(where, effectID) return bj_lastCreatedWeatherEffect endfunction
function AdjustCameraBoundsBJ takes integer adjustMethod, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth returns nothing local real minX = 0 local real minY = 0 local real maxX = 0 local real maxY = 0 local real scale = 0
if (adjustMethod == bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_ADD) then set scale = 1 elseif (adjustMethod == bj_CAMERABOUNDS_ADJUST_SUB) then set scale = -1 else // Unrecognized adjustment method - ignore the request. return endif
// Adjust the actual camera values set minX = GetCameraBoundMinX() - scale * dxWest set maxX = GetCameraBoundMaxX() + scale * dxEast set minY = GetCameraBoundMinY() - scale * dySouth set maxY = GetCameraBoundMaxY() + scale * dyNorth
// Make sure the camera bounds are still valid. if (maxX < minX) then set minX = (minX + maxX) * 0.5 set maxX = minX endif if (maxY < minY) then set minY = (minY + maxY) * 0.5 set maxY = minY endif
// Apply the new camera values. call SetCameraBounds(minX, minY, minX, maxY, maxX, maxY, maxX, minY) endfunction
function AdjustCameraBoundsForPlayerBJ takes integer adjustMethod, player whichPlayer, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth returns nothing if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then // Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs. call AdjustCameraBoundsBJ(adjustMethod, dxWest, dxEast, dyNorth, dySouth) endif endfunction
function AdjustPlayerStateBJ takes integer delta, player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState returns nothing // If the change was positive, apply the difference to the player's // gathered resources property as well. if (delta > 0) then if (whichPlayerState == PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) then call AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_GATHERED, delta) elseif (whichPlayerState == PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) then call AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ(whichPlayer, PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_GATHERED, delta) endif endif
function AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ takes player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer delta returns nothing call SetPlayerState(whichPlayer, whichPlayerState, GetPlayerState(whichPlayer, whichPlayerState) + delta) endfunction
function AllowVictoryDefeat takes playergameresult gameResult returns boolean if (gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY) then return not IsNoVictoryCheat() endif if (gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT) then return not IsNoDefeatCheat() endif if (gameResult == PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL) then return (not IsNoVictoryCheat()) and (not IsNoDefeatCheat()) endif return true endfunction
function AngleBetweenPoints takes location locA, location locB returns real return bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(GetLocationY(locB) - GetLocationY(locA), GetLocationX(locB) - GetLocationX(locA)) endfunction
function AsinBJ takes real degrees returns real return Asin(degrees) * bj_RADTODEG endfunction
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