Перед вами карта жанра Arena от 25 декабря 2011.В игре вы должны выбрать уникального героя и купить индивидуальные элементы,играть лучше в 2 и более что бы бороться с волнами крипов!Прекрасная карта,отличная графика,удобный интерфейс и много другое.
- Rewrote a lot of the code. This will hopefully make the game smoother and less laggy. - Added test mode (when only 1 player in game). Type -test to activate these commands:
>>> -refresh (resets all ability cooldowns, gives full HP and mana, removes buffs. MAY CAUSE BUGS WITH SOME ABILITIES!) >>> -killall (kills all creeps and bosses) >>> -gold x (gives you x gold) >>> -herolvl x (sets your hero to level x) >>> -arenalvl x (sets the next level to x. Only works when you aren't in the arena)
- Added an additional mode: Spell Fanatic Mode (all abilities have no cooldown and manacost - FUN only!). - You will get more gold according to how many players there are:
>>> 1 player = 1200 gold >>> 2 players = 1050 gold each >>> 3 players = 900 gold each >>> 4 players = 750 gold each
- When you die you will lose gold according to your level: ([your hero's level] * 100) + 50 - Renamed Next Level unit to Arena Manager. - Fixed a small bug with the multiboard. - Made the arena much larger and more interesting. - Removed the Hidden Gold secret (didn't work anyway). - Completely remade ending cinematic (credits to Lembidi). - Player 10 and 12's names are now coloured. - Fixed the bosses to work with the new arena. - Shops now have pathing, ie you can no longer walk through them. - Changed a few minor things (like messages). - Modified many of the heroes' starting attributes and how much of each attribute they gain per level. - Added systems to check if your hero is stuck just as the round starts and ends. Being stuck can be caused by Blademaster using Dopplegangers just at the wrong moments.
» Размер карты96x96 » Тип карты Arena » Число игроков Quake Hardcores » Тайлсет Custom » Версия игры 1.18 » Защита Есть » Язык Английский » Название TcX 1.03
» Автор Toadcop
»Размер файла 3649 kb Примечание- описание взял с XGM , как и карту