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Moo Moo v2.4 Rebirth

Обновлённая версия популярной, не нуждающейся в подробном описании, но слегка подпортившей в последнее время свою репутацию, карты Moo Moo. Остаётся надеяться, что новая версия 2.4, от 24.10.2008 года исправит положение, и вернёт доверие тех, кто считает для себя эту карту любимой.

Uploaded: 10:06, 24th Oct 2008
Last Updated: 10:06, 24th Oct 2008
Keywords: moo,
Type: Arena, Defense / Survival, Hero Arena, Tower (Defense / TD / Maul / Wars)
Category: None
Map Size: 127x127
Playable Map Size: 116x116
Suggested Players: 3 - 6
Tileset: Sunken Ruins

*Improved various different areas of the terrain
*Some performance improvements
*New Loading Screen
*Redesigned and improved hero picking area
*Improve some tooltips thanks to kiddy854
*Lots of various performance improvements and fixes

*New Hero Riket Rattletrap (Mechanical Goblin)
*New Hero Tagar Rocmane (Beastmaster)
*New Hero Clea Windrunner (Avenger)
*New Hero Reden Tamondong (Axis) base from jumung's idea
*New Hero Boul (Abomination) base from katty's idea
*Returned House (The Tank) requested by iamsteroids
*Remade Vy Vorpalshade (Iron Raven)

*New secret Hero Uther (Mighty Paladin)
*New secret Hero Elune (Shadows Grace)
*New secret hero Mar'Denar (Arcanist)
*New secret hero We3d Guy (Doctor)
*New secret hero Magni Bronzebeard (Thane of Ironforge)
*New secret hero Agamand and Aurrius (Mortar Team)

*Added building Small Tavern
*Added Fountain of Thunderbuff
*Added new item Tree Eater
*Added Circles of Power
*Added timer Leaderboard
*Added new Moo moo elemental power effect
*Added Unstack skill for Child/Villager
*Added Extra Creeps when number of players exceed to 4
*Added New last Boss
*Removed Child Disassemble
*Starting round time reduce a bit
*Moo Moo increased cooldown Second Chance
*N/C Novice is now equals to easy
*N/C Experienced is now equals to normal
*N/C Professional is now equals to Hard
*N/C Champion is now equals to Very Hard
*Rexxar Shop items move to moo moo
*Rexxar Shop set item like warpotion
*Tanvens has now instantly revive
*Removed heroes picking time
*Removed Thall Building
*Renamed Multiboards
*Improved picking heroes
*Heroes now can move freely
*Improved Tarantula Life Steal
*Improved Duke of Saxony Cleaving Attack
*Improved Dr. Evil Doom skill Doom
*Added Undead King skill critical
*Improved El Gigante Disease Cloud
*Wave Creeps gradually becomes stronger every 5 to 6 min of game time
*Centaur's wave creeps increased bounty
*Reworked Centaur's Power
*Increased Moo's Armor gold cost from 500 to 1000
*Increased Moo's Hit Points gold cost from 500 to 1000
*Change Soul's evasion to spell immunity
*Kung Fu Panda special skill has now invulnerable effect
*Change Tyrant finger of death now instant kill
*Improved damage Death Knight Death Coil
*Various change to Overlord Qack
*Various change to El Gigante
*Lowered Colossus Hardened Skin 5/10/15/20
*Change item child icon
*Change item Villager icon
*Change Eagleclow icon
*Removed legendary bloodbath spit bounty
*Renew Righteous Sword tooltips
*New model for Ice Master
*Reworked Arachnathid item
*Reworked and rename Ice Master to Frost Infernal
*Reworked Vassal Conjuration and Impale
*Reworked Overlord Laharl Vetkin
*Reworked Razormane Bandit War Stomp
*Reworked Masked Assassin
*Reworked Frost Demon Kali'naj Ice Cream Frost Nova
*Reworked Eyobel Blademaste
*Reworked Sylvanas Windrunner Dark Ranger
*Reworked Queen of Banshee

*Change Queen of Banshee Projectile art

*Fixed various path way on the forest
*Fixed rare bug in centaur's wave
*Fixed conflict with Colossal Dash/Blitzing Dash
*Fixed Secret Animal cage medium model
*Fixed Cloak of Flame recipe not working
*Fixed a few other exploits and bugs
*Fixed Claws of Gul'dan item tooltip
*Fixed Purification recipe tooltips
*Fixed Mystic Staff tooltips
*Fixed Mythril Rod item no attack speed
*Fixed Righteous Sword item no agi
*Fixed Moon Huntress Moon Glaive bounce
*Fixed various typo errors
*Fixed various other tooltip errors

*New Story for Cozi (Colossus) by Levertand
*New Story for Tausil Clahroo (Dread Conjurer) by kiddy854
*New Story for Kali'naj Ice Cream (Frost Demon) by Didgy
*New Story for Burrito Kublay (Imperial Guard) by Didgy
*New Story for Ping Maxx (Razormane Bandit) by Didgy
*New Story for Cooler Tetrahedron (Liquid Matter) by Didgy
*New Story for Maximus (Slave Warchief) by Didgy
*New Story for Earthy Crud (Guardian) by Didgy
*New Story for Pho The Nature Boy (Elementalist) by Didgy
*New Story for Eyobel (Blademaster) by Didgy
*New Story for Eligh Rokhan (Shadow Hunter) by Didgy and Chooster
*New Story for Calrito Brigante (Chain gunner) by Didgy
*New Story for Kath'ranis Zulu (Troll Hunter) by Didgy
*New Story for Story for Naisha (Moon Hunstress) by Didgy
*New Story for Laharl Vetkin (Overlord) by Didgy
*New Story for Story for Nunya Baldibion (Vassal)

Скачать (2.33 Mb)   Просмотров: 10192 Скачиваний: 7071 Добавил: Messenger Добавлено: 24 Октября 2008 в 17:48:05
Комментариев: 4 |

Всего комментариев: 3
11 Ноября 2008
3. Dead_Angel (Dark_Knight) [Материал]
С каждой новой версией карта становится всё хуже и хуже((

29 Октября 2008
2. Сергей (Alim) [Материал]
Я считаю это новая вершина в картостроении,автор превзашел себя,это слишком хорошо чтобы быть правдой! :D

26 Октября 2008
1. Кирилл (LoZeR) [Материал]
ппц автор засрал свою карту как только мог!!!!!!!!Баланс весь исчез с появлением нового героя Tank его магия на 20 лвле убивает все и вся!!!!!!!!!!афтар убейся ап стенку

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