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Apocalypse Day v2.4c

Отличная карта для сетевых баталий со свежими изменениями и дополнениями от 02.11.2008 года. Отнести карту к какой то одной категории не получится, тут вам и AOS и Hero Defens, и Hero Arena. А по моему личному мнению это просто три коридора. Много предметов, большое количество юнитов, возможность выбора типа и сложности игры. Как ни печально карта без поддержки AI, но это и не важно, поскольку карта создавалась именно как сетевая, и предназначена для слаженной командной игры. Карта очень популярна!

Uploaded: 11:40, 17th May 2008
Last Updated: 11:45, 2nd Nov 2008
Keywords: apocalypse, day, light, dark, aos, a-day, TLW, good, evil, metamorphic, ady, illidan, invasion, commanders, romania.
Type: Aeon of Strife / AoS
Category: Medieval / Warcraft
Map Size: 127x96
Playable Map Size: 127x89
Suggested Players: 2v2, 4v4
Tileset: Felwood

1. Introduction

Apocalypse Day is an AoS which brings back the classic style of 3 corridors maps. Inspired by D-Day in a small amount, A-Day is a map that is under development by half an year. The scenario isn't very complicated, is a battle between light and dark forces. The gameplay is a bit different from other AoS maps, here you must use both resources, gold and lumber, to acquire items, summon or hire creatures or to improve the fighting skills of your units by using auras.

2. Heroes

20 Heroes are available to choose for each force, each one with his/her different difficulty (it is strongly recommended for new players to choose a beginner Hero), abilities and playing style.

3. Modes

At the beginning of the game player 1 must select the mode. 8 modes are available:
1. All Random - used in many maps, gives a random Hero to the players;
2. Deathmatch - each player receives between 1 and 9 lives;
3. No Powerups - players cannot use tomes;
4. Monster Experience - players start with 2x experience rate (default is 90%)
5. No Super Towers - removes all powerfull towers from the game;
6. Short - buildings will have hit points reduced by 50%, players receive 8 gold every 9 seconds and experience rate is set to 140%;
7. Lifelust - each unit killed gives the Hero +10 hit points;
8. Hard - each level you gain increases your light/dark forces units hit points by 0.50% (max Hero level is 40).

4. Items & Creeps

Items are plenty, some shops have 2 pages with items (10 on every page) from where you can choose. Your Hero can buy Auras which will greatly increase your friendly units skills. Auras don't work on Heroes.
The center corridor can be used as a spawn point for hostile creatures such as Overlords, Infernal Juggernauts, etc. They will keep the corridor clean but they also give great bounty when they die.
If you are in trouble you can always autobuild a defense line for a small amount of gold that no enemy will pass behind it.
The Creep Market is very useful (and is strongly recommended to hire creeps) however, you cannot have more than 2 hired creeps. If you want to change your creep it is not necessary to kill it, you can sell it back.

5. Events

Apocalypse Day has 3 big events:
1. Redemption Day Approach: The first event, starts about 25 minutes od playing. Cenarius and Magtheridon will help their allies by coming and fighting against their enemy. Also light/dark forces will increase attack damage.
2. Redemption Day: Commanders of both forces will come and will do a great battle. Light/dark units will be changed into more powerful ones.
3. Apocalypse Day: The most unknown event is the last one. The hell will open allowing Life Enders (hostile creatures for both forces) to come and bring the apocalypse. They will crush everything in their way and will periodically call huge meteor rains. They are immune to the most common attacks, but they take damage just from Heroes. If the Heroes can't stop them the bases will be slowly destroyed by meteors.

6. Commands

5 commands are available for all players, another 5 are available just for the host (player 1 or 3) and 3 commands are available just in single player.
1. -repick - re-selects the Hero; can be used only once before you reach level 5;
2. -vc - changes the camera angle; type -rc to reset the camera;
3. -ms - shows the current movement speed of the Hero;
4. -gold: +### player_number - gives ### gold to an ally; works like the resource sharing; you can give between 10 and 9999 gold. example: "-gold: +345 2", "-gold: +2650 7";
5. -lumber: +## player_number - gives ## lumber to an ally; works like the resource sharing; you can give between 1 and 999 lumber. example: "-lumber: +31 4". "-lumber: +7 5".
6. -kick (only for host) - type -kick and the player number to kick him (example; -kick 3);
7. -killrate (only for the host) - changes the classic units killed display with a killrate (units killed by a player x 100 : minutes elapsed) to keep a constant number; type -classicstyle to bring back the units killed display;
8. -tipsoff (only for the host) - turns off the tips; the tips lasts first 7 minutes of the game, so after 7 minutes the command turns off;
9. -disablemusic (only for the host) - turns off the music from events;
10. -nofog (only for the host) - turns off the dark fog;
11. -lvlup (only in single player) - increases Hero's level by 1;
12. -lvlmax (only in single player) - sets Hero's level to 40 (maximum);
13. -Esc key (only in single player) - press Esc to restore your Hero's hit points and mana.

7. Systems

The map has 5 systems implemented that makes the gameplay more exciting:
1. Spell Show system - every time a unit uses a spell the name of it is shown above the unit;
2. Levelup system - when a Hero gains a level he will heal for a small amount, but he will also damage nearby units;
3. Experience system - the Hero increases experience rate by 1% at every 4 enemies killed;
4. Random Terrain system - at the beginning of the game the host can select in which tileset to play, giving a random terrain of the selected tileset.
5. Gold Bounty system - in this map you don't receive gold just when you kill the enemy, every time you attack him 20% of damage dealt will be converted into gold.

Скачать (1.93 Mb)   Просмотров: 5708 Скачиваний: 3548 Добавил: Messenger Добавлено: 02 Ноября 2008 в 15:45:01
Комментариев: 5 |

Всего комментариев: 5
01 Ноября 2010
5. Александр (LearnAlphabeT) [Материал]

03 Ноября 2008
4. Антон (Pandaren) [Материал]

03 Ноября 2008
3. Сергей (Alim) [Материал]
Играл давненько.Если это та о которой я думаю то с удовольствием скачаю и поиграю B)

03 Ноября 2008
2. Владислав (Zax) [Материал]
И я тогоже мнения <_<

02 Ноября 2008
1. Дима (razengan) [Материал]
Нечего супер неувидел ОБЫЧНАЯ Дота <_<
Ответ: Dota и Apocalypse Day совершенно разные карты, разуй глаза!

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