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Warlock 091 here:

Автор карты: Zymoran and Demestotenes
Жанр: Hero Arena / Mini Game
Версия: 090 от 09.10.2009
Язык: Английский
Кол-во игроков: До 12.
Поддержка компьютера:Нет
Размер:64x64 (маленький)
Ландшафт: Подземелье

--- New ----

- If red slot is 'computer', then the game will automatically start with public friendly settings (round, shuffle). This may be used with automatized hostbots.
- Added new constant (-C 16 ###). Warlock life regeneration (command is not visible in the setup).
- Added more specific values to "-stats" command.
- Replaced Freeze with Ensnare (for now...)
- New option -chaos simillar to league B(not competitive)
- Bouncer bounces to the caster if there are no other enemies in the arena (Bouncer is compatible in 1vs1 games)
- Shop Time Duration constant now applies on Deathmatch periodic event. -C 5 30 means 180 seconds periodic event (6*30 = 180)

--- Fixes ---

- Fixed a major exploit involving splitter
- Fixed two major exploits involving drain
- Fixed a lesser exploit involving magma
- Fixed constants '-C 10' and '-C 14'
- Fixed a bug causing TS (max level) not to reset damage points
- Fixed a bug causing link effect to stay
- Fixed a bug causing multiboard at endgame to display values for players whose slot status is empty
- Fixed a bug causing messages starting with "-t" to initiate custom terrain at startup. Only messages starting with "-T" will initiate custom terrain at startup

--- Balances ---

- Magma: Overall damage reduced
- Magma: Deals more 'knockback', making it slightly easier to escape
- Magma: Grow size when hitting projectiles increased from square factor 800 to 1000
- Thrust upgrade cost reduced by 1
- Drain: Rebalanced - duration nerf for Weaken. Duration increase for Slow, but less effective slow.
- Swap: Rebalanced - has less range, but same cooldown as teleport. Cooldown of Relocate is higher in start, but decreases greatly on higher levels.

- Pendant 3 now grants 0.10 life regeneration per second
- Mask of Death now grants -0.3 life regeneration and -10 movement speed penalty instead of -22 movement speed penalty.
- Aegis now grants 20% to 30% damage reduction instead of 10% to 20%, but also grants life penalty on -20 to -30 maximum life.

- Default lava damage decreased to 9 dps instead of 10
- Avatar gains additional HP regeneration
- Avatar maximum HP decreased by 40

--- Miscellaneous ---

- Added scripted life regeneration system
- Warlocks don't regain hitpoints in lava
- Removed Homing ally collision
- "Denied" sound and text is local to the link caster and the target
- Avatar selection system is no longer probability based

Скачать (1.73 Mb)   Просмотров: 1801 Скачиваний: 757 Добавил: Morozzz Добавлено: 09 Ноября 2009 в 22:17:23
Комментариев: 3 |

Всего комментариев: 3
12 Ноября 2009
3. РОМАН (POMA220) [Материал]
Рад, очень рад :D

11 Ноября 2009
какие моды в варлоках есть? я видел как цвет огня миняли но не понял

10 Ноября 2009
1. Владислав (Morozzz) [Материал]
про ошибки в описании не говорить . сам увидел токо поздно уже

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