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Balin's Tomb 2.01

На мой взгляд, одна из самых лучших карт для игры WarCraft3tft, созданных по мотивам очень известной книги "Властелин колец", на которой вы должны играть за одного из девяти известных героев. Сражайтесь в недрах подземелья Мории с ордами гоблинов и троллей, побеждайте злых демонов и духов, ищите таинственные сокровища и артефакты. Количество игроков, максимально возможных на этой карте, прямо соответствует количеству героев, то есть девяти. Очень красиво и качественно сделаная карта, с последними обновлениями от 22.10.2008 года.

Uploaded: 07:37, 21st Jul 2006
Last Updated: 18:10, 22nd Oct 2008
Keywords: Balrog, Balin, Balin's, Fellowship, LotR, Lord of the Rings, Maze, Middle Earth, Moria, Quest, Survival, Tolkien, Tomb
Type: Defense / Survival, Escape / Maze, Miscellanous / Other, Offense, Role Playing Game / RPG
Category: Medieval / Warcraft, Medieval / Warcraft (will merge), Miscellanous / Other
Map Size: 127x127
Playable Map Size: 127x116
Suggested Players: 3-9
Tileset: Dungeon

Patch notes for Balin's Tomb 2.01
Version 2.00-2.01
Massive redesign of map, with a focus on closer immersion in the universe of the books and movies
Most of the terrain now completely original, with a new optional area and better progression of difficulty
Many new imported models and icons added, plus many more terrain textures utilized for high variety outdoors
Number of checkpoints increased, and item progression at shops is more streamlined
New hero selection interface displays information about the heroes
All heroes revisited and rebalanced, with many new active-use abilities replacing older, passive ones
Initial fight in the tomb streamlined, and significantly improved AI for computer allies and enemies
New one-on-one fight for Gandalf vs the Balrog
Hundreds of other smaller changes and fixes

Version 1.15c
Fixed spider cave exit-waygate activation
Fixed a bug where not all of the the first berserkers attack
Adjusted timing of first Uruk-Hai waves
Fixed Ugluk's mirror sizes
Increase Boromir's start damage, decrease final attack speed
Renamed difficulty settings to "Beginner" and "Experienced"
Fixed reincarnate invulnerability timers
Version 1.15b
Fixed some bugs with terrain appearing oddly around the southeast island of rock
Changed the mana effect on ring of fortitude
Arashgul will now always drop loot
Slightly reduced size of berserkers
Added to orbs Legolas picks up "Does not stack with Impaling Shot"
Quicker reincarnate
Various other small fixes and changes
Version 1.15
Added several new custom models and skins
Added some AI to the Fellowship's computer-controlled units for until the Cave Troll dies
Added a "No Preference" option to voting
Tweaked the number-of-players difficulty balancing slightly
Tweaked the initial tomb attack
Tweaked the wandering patrols
Buffed gimli's base damage
Instead of refunding gold as a percentage of total earned on death, the refund is now calculated based on stats
The -move command now works with Fellowship-owned characters
Changed Ugluk from killing Gandalf's eagle to dispelling it if the eagle is soloing him
Buffed Healing Hands
All hero cooldowns are reset after the Gandalf Vs. Balrog cinematic
Linked Arashgul with the rest of the mobs in his room
Direct-damage abilities can now be used on the Watcher
Set level of the berserkers in the first attack to average level of player heroes
Added stunblock to Vial of Eärendil
Iron and Mithril Shields are now much cheaper
Spear of Dexterity cost increased from 2500 to 3000
Rings of Healing and Mana now remain in inventory when all charges are exhausted
Orb of Mandos cost reduced to 3500g and charges to 2 (from 5500g and 3 charges)
Axe of Fury no longer gives bash
Changed the Balrog's earthquake timing
Fixed the Balrog's music
Changed weapon attack sound of several units
Tweaked some aspects of the outdoor Uruk-Hai encounters
Fixed a bug that allowed the player to sometimes carry more than one shield
Fixed a bug with Legolas's neck shot tooltip damage
Fixed Gandalf the White's Haste buff icon
Fixed which slot Boromir's gauntlets start in
Fixed a bug with Ugluk's health not displaying correctly at 25% marks
Numerous memory handling optimization (internal)
Various other small fixes and changes.

Скачать (1.55 Mb)   Просмотров: 1975 Скачиваний: 3025 Добавил: Messenger Добавлено: 23 Октября 2008 в 08:03:35
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