Вот она,лучшая на мой взгляд RPG-карта.Этой карте уже целых 2 года и за эти 2 года была добавленно множество моделей и иконок,прекрасный ландшафт,шикарные заклинания и эффекты героев.Всё это в карте-TKoK -Eastern Kingdom-3.2.2d.Всем любителям RPG-карт советую скачать именно эту карту,вы не пожалеете, обещаю.
System Improvements Aggro system has had an engine tuneup. I removed the private global SystemUnits group and all of the ForGroup() methods attached to it. The loops for updating aggro, attacking targets, and the aggro bar X,Y,Z loc now use a new system of integer array lookups. The end result is a near instant lookup of the units to process commands on. Less trigger and function calls, less data look ups overall, and faster performance. Projectile system optimizations on the cleanup/destroy end of projectiles to lessen the CPU load. Next up will be optimizations on the create end, but that will most likely be for another patch as that will require some major work. Fixed random pointer leaks throughout the map. Several functions leaked some unit variables (not nulled at the end) and some (not commonly repeated or used) functions leaked group variables (not destroyed). All in all, approx 20 small minor leaks fixed
Even more System Improvements - By Duos Special thanks to Duos for taking time in Stage 1 of Project Cleanup Kaliron! Over time Duos will be helping out by going through old code and functions, as well as newer stuff, to help optimize performance, help avoid small handleID leaks that wc3 has naturally, and various other things to improve the overall quality of TKoK's performance.
Generic Fixes Corrected a bug with LifePercent values on damage event triggers with some of the older events that were not using the proper Life values (considering the incoming damage). Related mainly to Naztar, and some other events Possible fix for the save/load code corruption (where a valid code will still load but screw everything up about the hero. The corrupted codes CANNOT be fixed. Once the data is corrupted, there is no reverting it. Sorry. Possible fix of an array overflow inside a struct returning data that does not belong to that set. This is kind of hard to test specifically because it doesn't happen 100% of the time. Now, to use the waypoint in the Outer Cloister, 1 of 2 conditions must be met: A - you paid the 20k for the Special Teleport, or B - the actual door to the Outer Cloister has been opened by completing the quest line Corrected some math and hardcap issues with Hybrid Crit (effects SB/CK/Druid). Included in this fix is a Natures Mastery talent fix for the druid.
Arcanist Increased range bonus from Arcanic Outreach talent.
Druid The druid now conforms to the laws of physics when 'gripped'. Thanks to Fled for helping me figure this wc3 bug out and the work around.
Paladin Mark of Replenishment's graphic has been changed to the 2.xx graphic of Blessing of Wisdom
Pyromancer Buffed improved fireball and empowered fireball talents, and improved fireball aoe size.
Ancient Hydra Picking up a book now triggers the wave to spawn, rather than the wave being on a timer. The faster you kill a wave, and pick up books, the faster you get through phase1 Adjusted the Hit Box Radius of all projectiles and explosions to be more visually accurate Arcane Orbs now show a warning graphic for 2.5s before spawning for damage / beam connections Fixed Rain of Fire void zone spawns so it cannot hit and tick at almost the same instance Increased the range of all projectiles so they cover the entire room Adjusted the delay between each poison casts in general as well as adjusting the start up warning pattern timers. More space/time overall. Adjusted the 2nd pattern of Poison Volley to be easier to dodge (if you understand the pattern, and the pattern did not change). The break is now longer to allow a more visible dodge area and to allow larger parties to make use of the break without screwing each other over from pathing issues. Fixed a bug that caused white damage to not always work in phase4 Phase1 and Phase2 arcing projectiles (that spawn other projectiles or adds) have been slowed to 1/2 of normal speed Fixed a full inventory bug with the VX book that would cause it to become 'stuck' for the rest of the fight until reset
Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб". Решение проблем при установки патча вы можете найти здесь. Прочие решения вы можете найти здесь.