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Главная » Файлы » Карты для Warcraft 3 » AoS
Age of Eternal Strife v. 0.83b

Название карты: Age of Eternal Strife
  • Автор карты: Beast(TrOg)
  • Жанр: Aeon of Strife/AoS
  • Версия: 0.83b
  • Язык: Английский
  • Кол-во игроков: 8-10
  • Поддержка компьютера: нет
  • Размер: 127x127
  • Ландшафт: Icecrown
    Обновлённая, от 08 марта 2009 года, версия достаточно интересной карты в категории Aeon of Strife/AoS. Исправлено огромное количество ошибок, поправлен баланс.

    v. 0.83 (Mega Update!)
    - tower kills (ones in base) spawn reinforcement summons
    - Cleaving Gash does a swing motion after successful attack
    - sliding spells now cancel teleportation
    - taverns are initially selected
    - gold effect when a player receives gold from killed enemy
    - Esc key can be used to quickly open/close multiboard now
    - all players can now choose weather: -weather off/snow/rain/shine/clear
    - basic Civlian text
    - Space can be pressed to go to the taverns

    - changed various ability icons
    - civilians have 1 hitpoint
    - some neutrals edited; mainly made air units do splash damage
    - removed Shadowmeld from some neutrals
    - changed how Caves work a bit: Moves to other cave, and a short order to move
    - changed order of Pitlord's abilities: class Devastation -> Vow Lire
    - Devastation (renamed Whent) cannot target mechanicals now
    - civilians are mechanical now, so that they cannot be disrupted by some spells
    - tweaks to sliding; sliding no longer conflicts
    - base nukes only target units with over 80 HP
    - removed sound from taverns
    - changed some ability ordering for some heroes
    - some tooltip edits
    - increased mode set up time by 1 second
    - Aura of Decay no longer removes the bodies
    - minimized multiboards change the title to show game time
    - optimized Inner Fire, Blood Pact, Surged Attraction coding
    - game mode shown before addons; first given game mode will be used if multiple modes are typed
    - increased damage for Strong and Strongest spawn units
    - Commands are now separate from Mode Commands + edited text colors
    - game now has countdown from when units start to spawn
    - movement items now stack (Boots of Wind, Boots of Far Far Away, etc.)
    - removed Mana Burn from creeps

    - tweaked Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage, and Sea Element stats
    - tweaked tower locations and terrain
    - reduced how often ranged spawn units may summon: mana cost 100 -> 125; cooldown 30 -> 45
    - ranged spawn units stats: 250 mana -> 225; .75 mana regen -> .5 regen
    - structures now gain morale as normal computer units do
    - increased how many points until units receive morale bonus, lowered requirement after further levels
    - nerfed Ra'Fewn reduction: 20/30/40/50 -> 9/16/23/30
    - buffed Thrash: damage bonus 20/30/40 -> 30/40/50
    - Will of the Vulture: lifesteal max 7/10/13/16 -> 8/12/16/20; unlimited targets -> limit 6 targets
    - Dagger of Escape item: cost 2250 -> 2000; blink range max 1000 - > 875; blink range min 200 -> 100; mana cost 75 -> 90
    - Electroshock damage per wave: 80/100/120 -> 40/45/50
    - Homefield Advantage: AoE 1100 -> 1300; +affects mechanical; added to Main Buildings
    - buffed Flesh Bite: 50/70/90% Strength -> 100/150/200%
    - buffed Rot: 3/4/5/6% HP -> 4/6/8/10%
    - lowered Ranger attack cooldown a bit
    - Blood Pact limit 10 units -> 7
    - buffed Last Sight
    - lowered Nimsel's base attack cooldown
    - lowered Earthquake stun: 1s -> 0.2s (til I change the spell)
    - lowered Jade's base attack cooldown
    - buffed Truesight: Agility bonus 2 -> 3
    - buffed Thrash: damage 30/40/50 -> 40/50/60

    - melee spawn units now are affected by Frost Armor Aura
    - maybe fixed or improved bounty system
    - Frozen Death adds to bounty
    - fixed Shield Repel disabled icon (Conlan)
    - fixed a bug with Sword of Elven Blood + Shield Repel combo
    - reduction to bounty system lag
    - updated quest log
    - lv 2 and 3 elven ranged creep has same HP as undead's
    - various tooltip fixes
    - Thrash now works if used on other units
    - heroes killed by neutrals or computers gives death message properly
    - fixed durations for some runes
    - DisableCaves (-DC) command fixed
    - caves cannot be used while sliding
    - bounty system
    - went through all triggers and changed many to stop possible bugs (reason why this version is a beta)
    - spawn unit summon ability hotkey -> [E]
    - fixed Chain Lightning and Orb of Lightning to activate bounty

    * I planned to change a bunch more spells but wanted to release this large update before then

    Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб".

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  • Скачать (690.4 Kb)   Просмотров: 2870 Скачиваний: 4068 Добавил: Messenger Добавлено: 08 Марта 2009 в 08:39:46
    Комментариев: 2 |

    Всего комментариев: 2
    11 Мая 2009
    2. Шенкен (Shenken) [Материал]
    дайте АИ плиз

    08 Марта 2009
    1. ВиталиК (Privitalik) [Материал]
    Отличная карта, кто не играл, советую поиграть! :)

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