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Warlock 090

  • Автор карты: Zymoran and Demestotenes
  • Жанр: Hero Arena / Mini Game
  • Версия: 090 от 09.10.2009
  • Язык: Английский
  • Кол-во игроков: До 12.
  • Поддержка компьютера: Нет
  • Размер: 64x64 (маленький)
  • Ландшафт: Подземелье


    ---New ----

    - CTE is working again
    - Shuffle mode now works for deathmatch
    ** Teams will shuffle every periodic action (3 minutes, see the UI clock)
    ** Players in team are rewarded 1 point if the team kills another player
    ** The killer is rewarded one additional point
    ** The assister will get one point
    ** The victim will lose one point
    ** Gold system works like normal deathmatch
    - Added spell toggle for meteor: Magma
    - Added spell toggle for swap: Relocate
    - Added homing feature: Homing can hit the caster (and allies) resulting in a temporary speed boost and an AoE explosion with 120% knockback (the only knockback rate above 100% in Warlock)
    - Deathmatch now has 12 seconds shop time at start
    - Invulnerable players (right after spawn) now deals half damage
    - Commands "-cam ###" and "-cam###" are now both supported
    - Constant added to change initial shop time (the value is halved for deathmatch mode)
    - Killing spree and double kill sounds no longer cancels one another. The killing spree sound will be delayed slightly for the situations where both sounds should be played.

    --- Fixes ---

    - Fixed a bug in shuffle mode causing the randomized teams not to be completely random. Players next to each other (player number) tended to be on the same team.
    - Fixed a potential bug involving Fire Spray toggle and Deathmatch
    - Fixed a common bug causing first blood or killing spree sound not to be played if the killer is on a spree. Killing sprees now have higher priority than first blood.
    - Fixed a bug causing "ending [player]'s [spree]" to be missing
    - Removed a "wincount" debug message
    - Fixed the pillar hide exploit also known as Large Warlock Collider (LWC), which could generate extreme velocities for a warlock hiding in multiple pillars.
    - TimeShift now removes slow.
    - Meteor (meteorite mode) is no longer affected by gravity.
    - Fixed a bug causing UI text to disappear when draw mode is initiated.
    - Fixed a bug causing "fireball accuracy" to count during shop time.
    - Fixed a bug causing multiboard to display incorrect point values in Avatar mode.
    - Fixed a bug causing splitter missiles to deal damage to pillars.
    - Fixed a text bug when a player is on killing spree above "holy s***"
    - The '-untitle' command now affects the multiboard

    --- Balances ---

    - Splitter target mode now deals a small AoE damage if it lands near an enemy, but doesn't release any projectiles
    - Gravity damage reduced from 0.4+0.2*upgrades to 0.3+0.1*upgrades
    - Gravity no longer requires AoE mastery
    - Gravity gold upgrade cost now increases with 1 gold instead of 2
    - Gravity force reduced by 10
    - Time Shift doesn't shift damage or hitpoints without reason. If you won't lose any life during time shift, you will keep what you regenerated or stole. Same for damage points.
    - Homing mechanics slightly changed

    - Blood Sword cost reduced from 16 to 14
    - Aegis cost reduced from 17 to 16
    - Staff of Fireball cost reduced from 15 to 13
    - Staff of Fireball impact reduces fireball cooldown from 4.8 to 3.0 instead of from 4.8 to 3.2

    - Avatar hitpoints increased 10 per player (from 50 to 60)

    --- Miscallenous ---

    - Changed some models
    - Optimized the shuffle function
    - Optimized some system functions

    Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб".
    Решение проблем при установки патча вы можете найти здесь.
    Прочие решения вы можете найти здесь.

  • Скачать (1.70 Mb)   Просмотров: 2558 Скачиваний: 1379 Добавил: Morozzz Добавлено: 09 Октября 2009 в 16:40:07
    Комментариев: 3 |

    Всего комментариев: 3
    30 Октября 2009
    3. Афанасьев Максим Сергеевич (Tervin) [Материал]
    как начать играть ? :'(

    12 Октября 2009
    ^_^ да карта супер пасматрите абизатильно))

    10 Октября 2009
    1. Мадияр (Madik) [Материал]
    Прикольно!!! Классная карта. Мне понравилось :D

    Добавлять комментарии могут только зарегистрированные пользователи.
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