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Главная » Файлы » Карты для Warcraft 3 » AoS
WaR v0.15 beta

Очень неплохая, интересная и достаточно популярная карта в категории Aeon of Strife / AoS, с обновлениями и дополнениями от 01.11.2008 года. Сражение четырёх сторон, 3х3х3х3. Много интересных героев с нестандартными навыками, много лавок, в том числе и скрытых, много предметов, в том числе и смешивающихся. Играть интересно и трудно одновременно, особенно когда продвигаешься ближе к базам противника, оборонительные башни просто с сумасшедшей атакой.

Подробное описание изменений и дополнений, к сожалению только на английском языке:

Uploaded: 03:09, 29th Feb 2008
Last Updated: 08:00, 1st Nov 2008
Keywords: warlords, 12 player, 4 team, 4 way, AoS, bountygiver, spiritviper, regiments, WaR, hero, heroes, war, tag, battle.
Type: Aeon of Strife / AoS
Category: None
Map Size: 127x127
Playable Map Size: 127x127
Suggested Players: 2v2v2v2, 3v3v3v3
Tileset: Felwood

Warlords and Regiments is a 12-Player AoS (Aeon of Strife) type Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Expansion map. Created by Bountygiver and Spritviper by 29.02.2008, it is basically a 4-team hero vs hero map, with 3 players per team, which the victory condition is to destroy all 3 of your opponents.

1: 48 all new, custom made heroes with 2 normal skills (Up to level 7), 1 lesser power (Up to level 6) and 1 ultimate (Up to level 5). Hero levels up to level 40.
2: Over 100 types of items, combinations, upgradable items and secret items.(Major game change in v0.15) Unique dual-sided "click and upgrade" item system which enables players to upgrade or downgrade their items with a single click of the mouse.
3: (Major game update in v0.15) Reasonably large map size which is big enough to retain its "epicness" and small enough to provide a fast-paced gameplay.
4: Highly detailed and balanced terraining, with quick and efficient alternative routes in wilderness areas for hunting and ambushing.
5: Fountains to heal and revealers to scout enemy heroes in the wilderness.
6: Multiple stackable game modes. (Major game update in v0.15) Complete with the all-new tag mode which enable players to switch between 2 heroes.
7: 4 lanes for each team. The top and bottom lanes lead to seperate bases while the middle two lanes lead to a single opposite enemy base.
8: (Major game change in v0.10) A hero in-built teleporting system, with purchasible teleporting points.
9. (Major game change in v0.15) Added tomes, complete with a anti-error system which makes sure the only heroes are able to buy tomes.

View changelog as below:

-Added 4 new heroes.
(Crusader of Justice (Human) : Strength based)
(Ritualist (Orc) : Intelligence based)
(Fallen Warlord (Undead) : Strength based)
(Makura Deepseer (Night Elf) : Intelligence based)
-CRITICAL: Fixed persisting skill bugs that results in serious performance issues to many point targeting skills. (Hell's Hammer, Searing Torpedo, Whirlwind, Storm Vortex, Massive Ensnare, Volley, Spirit Dash, Earth Pulse, Hydro Pulse etc. etc. )
-CRITICAL: Fixed a persisting performance issue that causes the game to lag in 0.5 second intervals.
-CRITICAL: Fixed a bug that causes Random and Full Random unable to select the newer heroes.
-CRITICAL: (Hopefully) Fixed a bug that causes server splits in Battlenet multiplayer games.
-MAJOR CHANGE: Remade "Click-and-Upgrade" item system from single-directional to dual-directional. Players can now either upgrade or downgrade all normal items.
-MAJOR CHANGE: Added a Tome Shop selling tomes, complete with an anti-error system which prevents non-hero units from buying tomes. Heroes are now able to advance without limit.
-MAJOR CHANGE: Added Tag special mode. With this mode activated, players can switch between a primary and a secondary hero. Tag mode can be used concurrently all other game modes.
-MAJOR CHANGE: The whole map is reterrained. Playable map area is much smaller in comparison and game pace is much faster. Terrain is also much more systematic and foot travelling is much more efficient due to well-placed shortcuts. Positions of all structures are changed.
-Simplified the map name in tooltips and menus.
-Creep spawn rate increased to 30 seconds for all lanes.
-Reduced costs of Teleport. (140 to 100 gold)
-Added a cooldown time for Track and Reveal. (30/20 seconds)
-Added a cooldown time for Teleporting Points. (30 seconds)
-Increased Teleporting Point cost. (350 to 450 gold)
-Bloodthirsty Rage now gives stat boosts to Strength only instead of all stats.
-Decreased kill requirements of stat boost for Bloodthirsty Rage. (30/27/24/21/18/15/12 to 22/20/18/16/14/12/10)
-Decreased Pyric Bomb casting range. (1500/2250/3000/3750/4500/5250 to 1000/1500/2000/2500/3000/3500)
-Adjusted Trample DPS. (75/100/125/150/175/200/225 to 80/100/120/140/160/180/200)
-Reduced Seal of Reflection return damage. (20/30/40/50/60/70/80 to 16/24/32/40/48/56/64)
-Decreased Midnight Arrows slowing effect. (10%/20%/30%/40%/50%/60%/70% to 10%/18%/26%/34%/42%/50%/58%)
-Fixed a bug with Mark of Vengenance which causes the healing and damage effect to double.
-Fixed a minor bug with Trample, Crippling Venom and Fleet of Foot which creates a vision area which stays on the position where the hero casts the ability or learns the skill.
-Changed Mana Bomb damage type to Spells from Pure.
-Reduced Hail of Spines AoE. (350/400/450/500/550 to 150/200/300/400/550)
-Increased Unholy Divide cooldown. (8 to 14 seconds)
-Fixed some tooltip bugs.

Full hero list:
Sendion Firebrand the Elder Wizard (INT)
Algeon Chaosblade the Sacred Swordsman (STR)
Sylvanas Windrunner the Master Ranger (AGI)
Aldrius Rockshatter the Castle Defender (STR)
Thargor the Skirmisher (AGI)
Kael the Blood Mage (INT)
Altagar the Titan (STR)
Fenris Siegeweaver the Chaos Prophet (INT)
Azar Faius the Highwayman Lord (AGI)
Barsarus the Emissary of Inferno (INT)
Erebus Axil the Manticore (AGI)
Sarjorn the Crusader of Justice (STR)

Cairne Bloodhoof the Tauren Chieftian (STR)
Thrall the Orc Warchief (INT)
Mikasa the Blademaster (AGI)
Skaroth the Stormcaller (INT)
Zal'Thikok the Troll Headhunter (AGI)
Nazgrel the Champion Raider (STR)
Razordown the Harpy Queen (AGI)
Ghalthen Rockspur the Ogre Lord (STR)
Val'dik the Ice Troll Shaman (INT)
Dag'zrel the Berserk (STR)
Bladewing the Sky Terror (AGI)
Ghelzherg the Ritualist (INT)

Arthas the Death Knight (STR)
Drashmir the Vampire Lord (STR)
Ralzagok the Nether Dragon (AGI)
Azureron the Frost Dragon (STR)
Hel the Fallen Seraph (INT)
Illamjhir the Necromaster (INT)
Synone the Stygian Wraith (AGI)
Xephirax the Gravekeeper (INT)
Shulgoth the Dark Crusader (STR)
Valgus the Tree Devil (AGI)
Maghirnir the Exiled Magus (INT)
Kal'shaiev the Fallen Warlord (STR)

Night Elf:
Shadowfury the Mirage (AGI)
Sarquiris the Naga Enchatress (INT)
Shandris Feathermoon the Shadow Marksman (AGI)
Nillea Shadowedge the Phantom Striker (AGI)
Growlunn the War Druid (STR)
Skyream the Storm Crow (INT)
Drashiage the Ancient Hydra (STR)
Keboloush the Murloc Nightcrawler (AGI)
Hepthaemus the Stone Colossus (STR)
Shenzei the Wings of the Tide (INT)
Eleanor Moonstrider the Midnight Huntress (AGI)
Lobster the Makura Deepseer (INT)

Скачать (3.86 Mb)   Просмотров: 3151 Скачиваний: 2495 Добавил: Messenger Добавлено: 02 Ноября 2008 в 11:48:56
Комментариев: 5 |

Всего комментариев: 5
29 Декабря 2008
5. Ягарк52 (Ягарк) [Материал]
ппц счя скачяю что зря старался Мессендер писал стока :D :)

29 Декабря 2008
4. Ягарк52 (Ягарк) [Материал]
Фига напонаписали тут :)

05 Ноября 2008
3. Владислав (Zax) [Материал]
прикольно :D

02 Ноября 2008
2. Данил (Rex4r) [Материал]
а как с AI ?

02 Ноября 2008
1. селезнёв павел дмитревич (pasha000333) [Материал]
ктож её обнаружил :o

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