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Главная » Файлы » Карты для Warcraft 3 » TD
Upadoro TD v0.96
Интересная и сложная одновременно TD карта. Количество игроков от одного до восьми.
8 рас, 191 башня, (все башни с подробным описанием, атака, скорость атаки, дистанция и т.д), 50 волн атакующих.
Карта с обновлениями от 29.09.2008 года.

This TD map offers survivor or team mode with up to 8 players having their own creeps, 8 races with totally 191 structures, a few special towers, 50 waves of creatures and 4 difficulties from easy to very hard.

Races are: WoW, Outland Alliance, Demons, Scourge, Nature, Goblins, Tamer (Creeps) and Underworld (new 0.96)

Solo Mode:
-Every player plays his own difficult and creep waves

"Team" Mode:
-Same difficult for every player and all players have to finish the current wave
-It's not a real team mode but maybe a better choice if you are playing with friends
->no real team mode because every one still has his own way but you can help each other and send gold

-Easy: 85%hp, 35 lives, 90% sell
-Normal: 90%hp, 25 lives, 75% sell
-Hard: 95%hp, 10 lives (+5 in team mode), 50% sell
-Very Hard: 100%hp, 5 lives (+5 in team mode), 25% sell

-Underworld race has been added. You can pick them by choosing the Underworld Ambassador
-Used custom model: DemonTower by HappyTauren
-known issue: while Royal Warden or Dalia are using the Shadow Soul you can not build or upgrade the Nightlord. just wait until the metamorph is over (maybe someone knows a way to solve that)

-every worker has a stack of "Tower Displacers" now. If you use the item it will create a summoning pedestal which has the size of a tower. the pedestal can "summon" a tower to regain the build spot of the tower without selling it.

-added some summoning spells to autocast

-1 new "secret"

-a few little balance changes

-memory leak fixes (but i think there is still memory leak which will be needed to fix)

-fixed the spawn bug for player 8 (pink) - thanks to frozenfenrir
-archmage special tower still has the manaregaura but it does nothing and will be soon replaced by something else

-better minimap image
-custom loading screen

-lose and win cinematics can also be seen in solo mode
->new win cinematic

-reworked map balance, i think it's more difficult on all modes now
-changed easy values to 35 lives from 50 and sell to 90% from 100% and mob hp from 80% to 85%

-a lot of towers got slightly changed to fit the new balance. some towers got new abilities.
-Kil'jaeden and Nature worker start with a special tower like Tamer now. Nature tower has an attack so build it next to the way
-implemented 2 "secrets"

-many small changes and fixes

Next to come:
-dynamic difficult setting and more balancing (goal for 0.97)
-maybe a new race (done)

Comments about balance, gameplay, bugs and typos are still needed.
Map is not protected.

Скачать (1.03 Mb)   Просмотров: 5611 Скачиваний: 11234 Добавил: Messenger Добавлено: 02 Октября 2008 в 07:28:15
Комментариев: 5 |

Всего комментариев: 5
13 Ноября 2010
Супер!!! :D

15 Февраля 2009
4. Дима (DuMyHb) [Материал]
Кул мапа :D :D :D :D :D :D А какая Здесь самая сильная раса?????? :p unsure unsure unsure unsure unsure

11 Октября 2008
ТД кул ток вот играл я в ней за оutland и произошол глюк на 40 вейве спец башня fleshgolem застанила моба а башня Demonik Illidan переместила его в начало пути и моб оказался под вечным станом да ещо и неуязвим так как стоял в начале пути за забором за который нельзя пройти . Пришлось начинать сначала . Обидно . Очень((( :(
Могу даж скриншот показать.

03 Октября 2008
2. Кирилл (LoZeR) [Материал]
кул тдшка!!! B)

02 Октября 2008
1. ALTA†R (ALTA†R) [Материал]
Мне понравилось yes

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Случайная картинка

Случайный файл
[28 Октября 2009]
[Карты · Arena]
Жизнь на арене 1.9 -
  • Автор карты: ЦеЗарЬ
  • Жанр: Arena/Hero Defense
  • Версия: 1.9 от 26.10.2009
  • Язык: Русский
  • Поддержка компьютера: Нет

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