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Главная » Файлы » Карты для Warcraft 3 » Arena
TcX DM 2.0
Автор: Toadcop
Размер карты: 96x96
Тип карты: Arena
Число игроков: Quake Hardcores
Тайлсет: Custom
Язык: Английский

TcX - это микс геймплея Quake 3 и Warcraft III.
Карта выполнена на потрясающем уровне, такого ещё на движке Warcraft III не делали.

Данная версия отличается от оригинальной рельефом (By ADOLF).

Ключевые возможности:

  • Игра в сингле с полной поддержкой ботов 5 уровней сложности
  • Поддержка мультиплеера с 12 игроками и обсерверами
  • Режимы FFA и командной игры, оба поддерживают игру с ботами
  • 7 видов оружия, к каждому из которых можно найти апгрейд
  • Своя система перемещения, благодаря которой можно свободно перемещаться по карте, в т.ч. прыгать и падать вниз (с повреждением от падения)
  • Конфигурационное меню на основе диалогов в дополнение к привычным "консольным" командам
  • Полностью свой ландшафт, модели, эффекты, интерфейс и звуки на основе ресурсов из Quake


  • Стрелки — перемещение
  • Левый клик — стрельба в сторону курсора
  • Правый клик — прыжок
  • Иконки героев — выбор оружия
  • Esc — меню конфигурации

    Список изменений:

    === version 1.03 (2008-06-18)
    - fixed various system issues etc.
    - recoded alot of stuff.
    - moved sound durations to constant table so TcX will no longer DeSync players. (short DeSync problem is fixed)
    - redesigned Minimap, Loadingscreen.
    - added "special zones" (not implemented yet) - it allows to emulate water in 3D for example. (not the graphics)
    - added "ProjAI" which dynamically change the update period for projectiles. (increase performance)
    - added "Automove" - this system allows to control movement of your character only using mouse. (additional)
    - added "Autoattack" - this system makes attacks much easier but at the same time you will lose precision. (additional)
    - added lots new "console commands" (see in game Questlog (F9)).
    - remade Flagegun.
    - changed Abyssgun lightning model.
    - fixed Chain Ligthning Gun allowed targets.
    - added limit for Explosion waves.
    - now you can't stuck anywhere.
    - disabled SVX mode due to compability problems.
    - changed some icons.

    #### Introduced XP mod ###
    - is enabled by default (to disable it, enter "-mod 0")
    - added 4 stats to character.
    * Vitalty - each point increases your max health points and hp regeneration.
    * Shields - each point increases your max armor points and ap regeneration.
    * Accuracy - each point increases your damage and weapon precision.
    * Reflexes - each point increases your chance to deal a critical hit and to evade attacks.
    - added custom Inventory system based on cBX-TRSII.
    * full screen interface.
    * character stats menu.
    * 12 slot inventory.
    * 7 active slots. (head,chest,hands,foots,neck,finger,finger)
    * 24 slot item shop.
    * quick character info.
    * Fully custom items.
    * Items provide 150(!) different bonuses.
    * 16 different base items. (helm,armor,gloves,boots)
    * 24 Shards (can be inserted into socketeds items)
    * 16 Shardwords, 16 Shardword Extensions.
    * 3 item sets.
    * 24 unique items.
    * you can purchase weapons/upgrades to spawn with them.
    * 6 random generated amulets, rings.
    - you receive gold and xp for every hostile killed.
    - you receive periodicaly (every 10 seconds) gold and xp.
    - on level up you receive 5 stat points, you can spend them on any of stat, and also 2.5 hp and 2.5 ap.
    - every weapon has specific damage type.
    * Physical (Saw,Machinegun,Shotgun,Deathdisc,Chaingun)
    * Thermal (Grenade Launcher,Rocket Launcher,Flamegun)
    * Electro (Lightning Gun,Chain Lightning Gun,BFG rays)
    * Plasma (Plasma Gun,Hyperblaster,BFG)
    * Spectral (Railgun,Wispgun,Abyssgun)
    - advanced Armor system.
    - advanced Damage/Resistance system.
    - advanced Buff system.
    - penalty system.

    === version 1.02b (2007-10-15)

    - improved SVX mode gameplay

    === version 1.02 (2007-10-10)

    - added new SVX game mode (advanced gameplay), no AI support for it yet
    - new Regeneration powerup: regenerates 20 hp per second, lasts 30 seconds.
    - renamed weapons:
    * Advanced Lightning Gun -> Chain Lightning Gun
    * Advanced Railgun -> Abyssgun
    * Advanced Plasmagun -> Hyperblaster
    - balance changes:
    * changed Plasmagun proj speed from 2700 to 3300
    * changed Hyperblaster proj speed from 3000 to 3500
    * changed Deathdisk proj speed from 4000 to 2600
    - improved minimap pings
    - improved CTF Multiboard
    - improved some internal stuff
    - reduced loading time
    - various bug fixes

    === version 1.01c (2007-09-07)

    - another major fix to solve disconnect problem

    === version 1.01b (2007-09-06)

    - ability to disable custom sound effects before game
    using "Random Race" flag; this could further reduce
    network traffic and random disconnects

    === version 1.01 (2007-09-05)

    - reduced network traffic, possibly fixing some random disconnect issues
    - fixed loadtime freeze bug for Mac users
    - added new CTF (Capture The Flag) game mode
    - added new controls:
    * drop current weapon
    * change to next weapon
    * change to previous weapon
    * change between upgraded (if available) and stock version
    - bot difficulty tweaks
    - weapon upgrades now last until death
    - introduced Saw weapon upgrade - Deathdisc
    - changes in weapon balance:
    * Chaingun: damage increased from 10 to 12
    * Advanced Lightning: damage increased from 10 to 12,
    increased "jump-to-target" radius from 400 to 600
    * Wispgun: damage increased from 150 to 200, AOE increased from 600 to 800
    - added "XRadar" option, that shows all units on the minimap (on by default)
    - bots now can be added before map start, via computer controlled players
    - bots could be completely disabled by checking "Random Hero" in map options
    (this significally reduces load time)
    - 14 new chat commands
    - 3 new powerups:
    * Haste: temporarily increases movespeed and attackspeed (x1.5)
    * Shield: temporarily makes you immune to fall damage and self-damage
    (making suicide impossible) and also makes your armor absorb 100% damage
    * Ownz: adds all weapon upgrades for 30 seconds
    - some minor fixes

    === version 1.00 (2007-08-18)

    initial release

    Map by Toadcop & zibada © 2007-2008

  • Скачать (3.60 Mb)   Просмотров: 2955 Скачиваний: 3155 Добавил: marcus506 Добавлено: 08 Декабря 2008 в 20:30:44
    Комментариев: 3 |

    Всего комментариев: 2
    03 Сентября 2009
    Да какрта супер!!!!!TcX кстати выпустили и АоС.Но только для патча 1.24

    30 Апреля 2009
    1. Владислав (Morozzz) [Материал]
    это мего карта просто очень клаасная особенно оценят те, кто уже в квейк играл B) B) wizard wizard

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