Перед вами новенькая версия карты Custom Hero Footies v3.5, от 20.03.2011. Вам представляется карта, именуемая в народе как футы, суть игры здесь такая же, как и у всех футах, то есть уничтожить казармы противника, в чем поможет вам герой который вам попадётся. Герои здесь рандом, ну за то после того как вы выберите героя, вам будет представлена возможность самому выбрать способности по душе в соответствующих магазинах.
v3.5 --Add FTD game mode --countless rebalance of FTD unit strength for each wave (no ToT in ftd mode) --changed code system from 4,294,967,296 with 1:255 to 4,398,046,511,104 possibilities with 1:65536 chances --Also added in the code the tracking of total Hero kills from all games you win/get save code. The command is -HK to view it. --turned off when base dies auto give gold to an ally (glitched sometimes from unknown reason) --fixed so SSD ARS CTF and FTD options are turned off after first 130 secs --re-did/organize all vote options so they cant overlap and glitch Modes up together, voting modes at the same time --make SSD mode spawn a 2nd vote between 150% and 300% --make newts no longer spell immune but have 50 armor so more resistance to maulers but spells will ez kill --frost towers from 250 to 300 and now have 75% spell reduction instead of 100% --cannon splash wont affect pets as much --make streak killing heros give +10 gold for each hero kill streak and display message with gold amount (work after 3-5 kills) --remove extra p typo on loading screen in SSD --make middle flying shop bigger area to buy things --make jamies have like 5 sec less cd time restock --change -vote to -6v6 for command and update in load screen and F9 --change or remove commands to over ride votes and make all cost 500+ wins min --make cd to use rune sheild also 10 mins --fix glitch of being able to blink in skills area with items to cheat and get extra lvl skills/items --fix in ars getting extra items and re-skill glitch --fix ars picking skills then killing hero before -ars vote and keeping skills originally picked --fix cold strike frost nova combo from both casting --changed forbidden power item from 3k to 2.5k to get last lvl21 power --give peasant item blink so its truly like having 2 in 1 peasants --fix tooltip on invuln pot --make the region smaller for starting items after -repick so they arnt out far enough to get stolen --rebalanced hex --rebalanced, early lvl d-shield is too good --make Jania repickable (reset repick if shes the gotten hero) --not have 2 auto repicks that are timed but pre-set for each player of having 3 total that are for getting custom (no more -rr) --take away 200hp from dryad ulti unit --pet rez item not revive towers anymore (can only rez pets now) --add tower rez item that can only revive base towers back to just a scout tower --buff archers a bit somehow (+4attack) --make so Death tower lvl 2 and 3 dont have splash when attacking buildings and that hurt pet/peasants --Lasso nerf little each lvl --Roots buff damage each lvl --nerf acid last few lvls, too often picked and op vs darks --fix help discription --add -hk to commands list --Explosion ulti got a buff cutting its cd for lvl 1 and 2 in half and a little less for lvl3 --buff Frost aura for range of affect on all lvls (or slow aura in others cases) --buff Dark Flame attack % each lvl --buff slightly for wolves summon lvl3-6 attack armor and hp --rebalance deathpact --take out dark ritual (not really a needed spell) --buff drunken haze with fire breath combo --Buff DooM GUARDS ulti --buffed slightly Raging lvls 1 and 2 --buffed Infernal early lvls --changed Portal on 100wins hero to be able to click-target Portal --added Interchange ability --fix text that comes up with getting Jaina hero --fix ssd tooltip in F9 to say 2nd vote with 150/300% --fixed some point leaks i was lazy before with in hero picking --acid bomb tooltip is completely wrong needs fixing --random hero buttons say boots worth 225g. fix that tooltip --fix ftd mode glitch with mr'd unit trapped in blimp --balance all waves in ftd for xmute --make different hardness for ftd mode --buff purp-ghost wave lvl --add some abilities so some rounds --lower cost of scout tower item --add speed scroll to ftd store --buff undead race --lvl 3 infernal add weak spiked skin --fix staff of saving for allies --ToT +50 range --fix so pet MR'd cant go in blimp --fix so ranged units cant go in skill pick areas --fix if charm is used on a FTD unit it doesnt stop the next wave from starting --balance few heros that arnt that good and make them a bit better --make mode where all heros are sheep -sheep (at least 4 players need to type it to happen) *all need 15 or more wins* --Added 10 new heros (one of those is a secret 10% chance to get it with 1000 wins button)
Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб". Решение проблем при установки патча вы можете найти здесь. Прочие решения вы можете найти здесь.