Сравнительно новый AoS проект отCyclotrutan'а. Карта с обновлениями 16 апреля 2010 года. Немного поиграл, вполне остался доволен. Карта очень смахивает на доту, но ландшафтом/предметами/героями/тропинками различается. По-моему карта достойная, поиграть стоит. Удачки.
4.4: Bug Fixes New Gathering of Evil hero: NERUBIAN DEEPLORD - A cunning spider hero, rumored to serve the Old God Yogg-Saron. New game mode: No factions. All players can choose heroes from both factions. To activate this game mode, player 1 must type -nf. Note: This game mode is not actively supported to be balanced or bug free. New item: Staff of Elemental Mastery - this item improves a specific ability of the wearer. Type -soem to look up the effect, that is caused for your hero. (this item is temporarily sold at the tier 1 vendors) Some item prizes have been adjusted. Among others, intelligence had its cost reduced and bonus health its cost increased. Rune of Blooming improved. Fixed some bugs with the repair workers. Daughter of the Ancients: Nature's Vengeance damage and AoE increased. Fortifying Roots armor bonus increased. Spell Reflection duration increased. Arch Druid: Natural Vitality mana cost increased and heal amount reduced. When cast on an Ancient, the Ancient now gains an attack, that causes splash damage and slows movement speed. Summon Ancient is now limited to one Ancient active at a time. Health, damage, cooldown and duration increased. Paralize Aura has been moved from the Arch Druid to the Ancient. Now also teaches the Arch Druid the Bear Form ability - a form, that drastically reduces damage taken for a short period of time. Spirit Explosion mana cost reduced and cooldown increased. Shellcaster: Musselize mana cost reduced and cooldown increased. Hand of Elune: If 2 or more debuffs are active on the Hand of Elune, Mirror Image may not be used. Blood Lich: Blood Siphon heal amount reduced. Dark Naaru: Void Bolt mana cost increased, Void Seeker attack speed increased, but damage reduced. Reverse Summoning has been removed from the Void Seeker's abilities. Revenant of Mayhem: Shadow Elemental Shards are now directly cast into a hero's inventory, Thundercloud now also slows movement speed of enemy units. Stormreaver Warlock: The last seconds of Impending Doom are now counted down.
mapwar, ланд ужасен. EWA, бывает тоже что карты не видит, скорее всего у тебя wc3 чем то забит, либо дополнениями UI (даже текстовые), либо еще что. П.С. Карта не очень.
Играете на строительство базы только несколько зданий (ферма алтарь и барраки) но все сделано как бы только батраки =) 3 шахты по 1000000 голда в каждой =) удачной игры думаю эта первая карта в своем роде только не вините строго я первый раз делаю карты и кидаю в инет если чо пишите в аську - 392210832 или мыло