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Главная » Файлы » Карты для Warcraft 3 » Dota
Dota 6.70 RU
  • Автор карты: IceFrog
  • Жанр: Hero Defence
  • Версия: 6.70 RU от 24.12.2010
  • Язык: Русский
  • Кол-во игроков: 1-10
  • Поддержка компьютера: Нет


    - Dark Ritual cooldown reduced from 55/50/45/40 to 30/27/24/21
    - Frost Armor manacost increased from 25 to 50
    - Frost Armor armor reduced from 3/6/9/12 to 3/5/7/9
    - Frost Nova primary target damage increased from 50/100/125/175 to 50/100/150/200

    - Shapeshift form critical strike improved from 1.5 to 1.7x
    - Wolves critical strike improved from 1.5 to 1.7x

    - Poof cooldown decreased from 16/14/12/10 to 14/12/10/8

    Naga Siren
    - Base damage increased by 5

    - Open Wounds team life steal increased from 10/15/20/25% to 15/20/25/30%

    - Degen Aura now also reduces attack speed (same values as the movement speed reduction)

    Pandaren Brewmaster
    - Drunken Brawler Crit chance increased from 5/10/15/20 to 10/15/20/25%
    - Drunken Brawler Evasion chance increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/15/20/25%

    Phantom Assassin
    - Blur evasion increased from 15/20/25/30% to 20/25/30/35%

    - Waning Rift cooldown from 20 to 16

    - Eye of the Storm can now target Ancients (not roshan)
    - Eye of the Storm no longer ignores magic immune units

    - Ether Shock cooldown from 10 to 8

    - Living Armor regeneration from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5

    Sand King
    - Strength gain from 2.3 to 2.6
    - Caustic Finale buff duration from 0.25 to 2 seconds

    Shadow Priest
    - Shadow Wave damage aoe increased from 155 to 170

    - Increased Glaives of Wisdom damage from 15/30/45/60 to 30/40/50/60
    - Glaives of Wisdom cooldown from 3/2/1/0 to 2/0/0/0
    - Rebalanced cooldown on Curse of the Silent from 14 to 20/18/16/14

    - Increased agility gain from 1.9 to 2.4
    - Increased base armor from 4 to 5

    - Adjusted the timing on Dark Pact. Instead of starting after 2 seconds and pulsing (damage and buff removal) over 0.5 seconds, it now starts after 1.5 seconds and pulses over 1 second. Same overall damage but now has a longer duration for the buff removal period.
    - Dark Pact self damage is now dealt to himself as he deals it to the area around him instead of at cast time

    - Reworked Dispersion

    Storm Spirit
    - Intelligence growth increased from 2.2 to 2.6

    - Thunderstrike manacost increased from 100/110/120/130 to 130

    - Grow bonus movement speed increased from 10 to 20 per level

    - Fatal Bonds damage from 15 to 20%

    - Minor increase to visibility around The Swarm units when they are attached to someone

    - Lightning Bolt cooldown from 7 to 6.5

    * Added a new recipe item (Ancient Janggo of Endurance)

    * Added a new recipe item (Medallion of Courage)

    * Added a new consumable item (Smoke of Deceit)

    Blade Mail
    - Cooldown from 25 to 22

    - Mana regeneration increased from 150 to 200%
    - HP regeneration increased from 6 to 8

    Chain Mail
    - Added to sideshop

    - Chance to land a Critical Strike increased from 10 to 15%

    Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
    - Recipe cost reduced from 1000 to 900

    Mask of Death
    - Lifesteal increased from 10 to 15%

    - Bonus strength increased from 6/10/14 to 8/12/16
    - Manaburn cooldown reduced to 20 seconds

    Orb of Venom
    - Cost reduced from 550 to 500

    Orchid Malevolence
    - Cooldown reduced from 25 to 18

    Planewalker’s Cloak
    - Cost increased from 500 to 550 gold

    Quelling Blade
    - Cooldown reduced from 10 to 5 seconds

    Soul Booster
    - Mana increased regeneration from 50 to 100%
    - HP increased regeneration from 2 to 4

    * Added a new loadscreen by Kunkka

    * Reworked Tavern Layout

    * Added a 4 minute cooldown to Buyback
    * Updated hero icon representation on the minimap (364977)
    * Creep vision decreased from 1100 to 850
    * Consumable Items no longer automatically fuse with ones you don't own (except for wards)

    * Added Gyro, Weaver, Clinkz and Ancient Apparition to CM
    * Fixed default selection order for Necronomicon (Manaburn unit first)
    * Fixed default selection order for Panda's Split Earth units (Earth -> Storm -> Fire)

    * Added a new model for Furion

    * Restored Lina's old projectile
    * Added various Christmas themed visuals

    * Added a visual effect for Furion's Aghanim Scepter
    * Added an Aghanim visual effect for Chen
    * Minor increase to Metamorphosis model size
    * Removed Courier Upgrade button from courier
    * Fixed Flying shadow for Obsidian Destroyer, Visage and Viper (182678)
    * Improved Double Edge visual effect (323845)
    * Added an ally only visual effect for a hero carrying Gem (371567)
    * Added a -bounty command to see the total gold gain by Track
    * Improved the quality of the following item icons: Mjollnir, Platemail, Chainmail, Helm of the Dominator, Boots of Travel, Blademail, Assault Cuirass, Monkey King Bar, Sentry Wards, Diffusal Blade, Guinsoo and Desolator (280720)
    * Added a new icon for level 2 Diffusal Blade (366531)
    * Added a new icon for Skeleton King's Critical Strike (146417)
    * Improved the quality of the following ability icons: Surge and Naga Siren's Mirror Image (280720)
    * Added a new icon for Empower (206290)
    * Added a new icon for Skewer (206290)
    * Added a new icon for Reverse Polarity (206290)

    * Fixed Armlet triggering Last Word
    * Fixed Deafening Blast status icon
    * Fixed Rupture status buff icon sometimes lingering on you after you respawn (visual only)
    * Fixed a recent bug that caused Death Prophet's Ghosts to behave incorrectly with Stout Shield based items.
    * Fixed rare cases where omnislash wouldn't ministun the target
    * Fixed a bug with the interaction of Call Down and Nether Blast
    * Fixed The Swarm units sometimes falling off the target
    * Fixed multiple Quelling Blade stacking bug
    * Fixed some silences not properly disabling Silencer's Last Word
    * Fixed a bug with Frostmourne bonus being given to attack attempts by the enemy heroes
    * Fixed Split Shot dispeling Curse of the Silent
    * Fixed a possible fatal error with Static Link when targeting ground in some areas
    * Fixed Aghanim Echoslam cooldown not appearing on scoreboard

  •  Скачать удаленно (7.86 Mb) Просмотров: 6083 Скачиваний: 5323 Добавил: magm0r Добавлено: 24 Декабря 2010 в 18:20:59
    Комментариев: 13 |

    Всего комментариев: 121 2 »
    01 Января 2011
    12. Кирилл (freshQka) [Материал]
    моржика порезали в 1.5 раза о_О Но я им не играл, т.к. феникс мне кажется лучшим, чем тускарр

    28 Декабря 2010
    11. Сергей (Sagrod) [Материал]
    Drow Ranger к Sentinel сунули >(

    27 Декабря 2010
    10. ярик (yar95) [Материал]

    27 Декабря 2010
    9. Алексей (Saladan) [Материал]
    мб, но всё же я согласен, что Dota это Hero Defense, ибо условие победы тут не АоС карты))

    27 Декабря 2010
    8. Валико (Валико) [Материал]
    моржик рулит:D

    27 Декабря 2010
    7. валерка (MegoTitan^^) [Материал]
    Дота это ТД тут ешё вражеских мегокрипов бегает :p :D

    27 Декабря 2010
    6. Алекс (sumert) [Материал]
    Знаю, но это жанр AoC, но никак не Hero Defence! Во втором жанре герои тупо стоят на одном месте и защищают замок! Вы бы еще Доту Td назвали, потому что там вышки крипов не пропускают мимо.

    26 Декабря 2010
    5. Алексей (Saladan) [Материал]
    Алекс (sumert)

    Да, ведь цель игры защитить свое(свой) дерево(трон) и уничтожить дерево(трон) противника, а не набить как можно больше фрагов и тп.)

    26 Декабря 2010
    4. Алексей (LenKOR) [Материал]
    Тускар жжот

    25 Декабря 2010
    3. Алекс (sumert) [Материал]
    Разве дота жанра Hero Defence?

    1-10 11-12
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