Перед вашими глазами карта жанра Mini-Game, от 01.09.2011. В данной карте вам нужно в начале выбрать одну из панд их здесь около питии, после чего нужно сражаться с другими пандами на очки, победит тот, кто первый наберет определенное количество очков. Для облегчения борьбы с другими пандами вы можете купить различные предметы, которые помогут вам в борьбе. На счет скилов то могу сказать что они здесь точно не стандартные, а триггерный, что весьма хорошо. В целом карта прикольная.
Changelog to 1.10: -Respawn time slightly reduced -Sturn duration and area of effect for Reverse Polarity slightly increased -Polished some terrains
Changelog to 1.09: -Fixed some minor bugs.
Changelog to 1.08:
-Changed Storm Spirit's names according to its element. -Remaked Staff of the DarkLords & Staff of the NetherLords: *Staff of the DarkLords: Able to cast a dark warp raze that will burst up to 900 range in front of the caster in, dealing 200 damage and stunning for 2.65 sec. 9 seconds cooldown.
*Staff of the NetherLords: Adds the hero attributes by 6 to all stats. Able to cast a dark warp raze that will burst up to 1200 range in front of the caster in, dealing 350 damage and stunning for 3.35 sec. 9 seconds cooldown.
-Water Remnant Upgrade (Slow duration - Increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds) -Reverse Polarity Duration tweaked to 2.75/3.5/4.25/5/5.5 seconds. -Increased the power of element protectors at element areas of water and fire. -Increased the damage able to be blocked by Pureness Vanguard from 65 to 120 damage. -Increased the HP of Scout eye from 200 to 500. -New Item added: Oblivion's Sceptre, Oblivion's Sceptre of Insight *Oblivion's Sceptre: 1350 gold Ability - Active---Summons a ward that damages nearby enemy when they cast a spell. Deals 1.5 damage per mana used on the spell cast.|n|nLasts for 30 seconds, 50 seconds cooldown.
*Oblivion's Sceptre of Insight: 2000 gold Ability - Active---Summons a ward that damages nearby enemy when they cast a spell. Deals 2.75 damage per mana used on the spell cast.|n|nLasts for 35 seconds, 50 seconds cooldown.
Changelog to 1.07: -ZlolZ's official forum moved from zlolzforum.ucoz.com to zlolzstormz.ucoz.com -Message for "(Hero) has fallen" has been removed -Avatar ability of the Black King Bar item is now immune to more spells such as: Whirlpool, Static Remnant and Overload. -Water Blast ability ( from the item Staff of the Tides) blast on the air duration reduced from 1.5 to 0.8 seconds. -When Thundergod's Wrath (Electy Storm Spirit's special ability) is cast, it will give full vision to the whole map for 3 seconds. -Map name changed from Storm Spirit Wars to Storm Spirit Wizardry (Due to many types of upgrades for spells) -Added 1 new shop (Spells upgrade shop for Storm Spirit's Static Remnant and Electric Vortex)!
<Water> Static Remnant - When cast, releases a water blast around a small AOE of the Storm Spirit, slowing nearby enemy units. Electric Vortex - When Static Vortex is cast, a morph water spirit will be spawned. The morph water spirit can attack and will have an ability which will sacrifice itself and bring the Storm Spirit's location to the morph water spirit immediately. <Nature> SR - When cast, gain vision to the area for a duration. EV - Heals HP on cast. <Electy/Electric> SR - When cast, shocks every enemy's HP that are 350 range from Storm Spirit, reducing their HP by 8 % of max HP. After their HP is shocked, then if their HP is lower than 8% of the full HP, the unit will be instantly killed. EV - When cast, purges the target for 8 seconds and burning its mana by 200. After 3 seconds, an electric blast will be released, dealing 200 damage in 500 AOE. <Earth> SR - When Static Remnant is cast, releases 6 earth pulse every 0.3 seconds below the ground of Storm Spirit, dealing 30 damage per pulse and slowing nearby affected units for every pulse. Units that are closer will recieve more damage. Units that are furthere away also will recieve lesser damage. EV - When cast, increases Storm Spirit's attack damage by 25% for 8 seconds. <Fire> SR - When cast, releases a flame inferno blast, dealing 50 damage per second to units that are affected in the inferno (315 AOE). Lasts for 4 seconds. EV - When cast, burns the target's armour, melting it and reducing it by 7 for 7 seconds. Also gain vision of the target for the duration.
Changelog to 1.06: -Water Elemental Ability: Whirlpool damage decreased from 40/70/100/130/160 damage per second to 25/40/55/70/85 damage per second to balance the power of water element. -Pureness Vanguard casting spell now changed from 35 armour for 8 seconds to maximum armour for 12 seconds -Elemental God Spawn time increased from 75 seconds to 155 seconds -Added a new shop (Quel' Tha Juese) and new items in it - 1. -Staff of the DarkLords - Able to cast a dark warp raze 700 units in front of the caster, dealing (300 + (10 x Hero Level)) damage in 340 AOE. -Staff of the NetherLords (Upgraded by purchasing Staff of the DarkLords and Null Talisman) - Increases 6 points to all attributes. Able to cast a dark warp raze 700 units in front of the caster, dealing (450 + (15 x Hero Level)) damage in 340 AOE. 2. -Staff of the Tides - This water element concentrated staff, contains unparalleled elements of the sea, which gives power to the wielder to summon a blast of water at a targeted area that will be erupted after 2 seconds.Deals (300 + (10 x Hero Level)) in damage, slowing every units affected by 30% for 3 seconds. 14 sec cd.Can be upgraded by purchasing a Null Talisman and this item together. -Staff of the Tsunamis - This water element concentrated staff, contains unparalleled elements of the sea, which gives power to the wielder to summon a blast of water at a targeted area that will be erupted after 2 seconds.Deals (300 + (10 x Hero Level)) in damage, slowing every units affected by 30% for 3 seconds. 14 sec cd. Also adds the hero stats by 8 to all attributes.
Changelog to 1.05b: -Fixed a bug when people download the map and they see the map preview is white colour
Changelog to 1.05: -Nature elemental area adjusted healing rate: HP regen from 8 to 12/sec -Reduced every item prices -Changed Storm Spirit Soundset -Added new items -Fixed display 5 more kills to win warning bug -Added a boss: Elemental God - Located at the top right of the map, you are able to go there and try to kill it if you want to -After you have killed the Elemental God, you will recieve 1000 gold and an item: Pureness Vanguard. -Pureness Vanguard: Increases magic resistance by 65% and give 65% to block 65 damage. Ability - Active: When cast, increases armour by 35 for 8 seconds. (After this ability is cast, the item will be destroyed!) -Ayleid Fountain has been removed to fix imbalances -Revive Timer has been reduced
Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб". Решение проблем при установки патча вы можете найти здесь. Прочие решения вы можете найти здесь.
А насчёт карты - очень увлекательная карта с приятным, хоть и совсем не совершенным дизайном и интересными боями. Хотя у людей, которые не слишком ладят с английским (как, например, я ), разобратся будет трудновато.
Классика жанра. Одна из самых интересных карт, посвященных ожившим мертвецам и последствиям их оживания. Все сделано на весьма хорошем уровне, грамотно подобран импорт, особо сильных глюков тоже не наблюдается.
В своё время эта карта была весьма и весьма популярна на BNet.