Ландшафт:Затонувший город Перед вами карта жанра АоS, от 30.05.2011. В целом карта сделана, как и все прочие аос есть две базы, которые воюют между собой, есть 3 стороны, по которых идут крипы с обеих баз на встречу, друг другу и сражаются. Эта аос отличается от других приятным импортным интерфейсом, способностями героев, самими героями, и здесь есть система показывания нанесенного урона, также здесь очень удобно сделан магазин, в котором можно купить предметы, а потом собрать более сильные из тех что есть. Цель игры уничтожить главное здания соперника. В целом играбельная аос в которую можно сыграть ни один раз.
Custom Loading screen and Minimap has been temporarly removed. -v2.4a- -changelog- Triggers: -Fixed so that the healing circles now works properly again. Items: -Increased the Cooldown of Healing & Mana Potions to 10 (up from 5)
-v2.4- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Baron Morte, The Death Knigt! Try him out! -New Hero! Lady Serpentra, The Sea Witch! Try her out! Shadowsong -Fixed an error with Wrath where it didn't bounce correctly. Terrain: -Added Way Gates which activates after 3 minutes. The way gates will take you to a new part of the map, giving you new possibilities of tactics. Also added a boss in the new terrain made, see Creeps below. Creeps: -Added a new boss; The Juggernaut. Juggernaut Boss -If you slay the Juggernaut boss, you will gain a buff for 3 minutes which increases your dmg, armor and life regen by alot. Items: -Removed gold cost of Tome of Endurance.
-v2.3- -changelog- Interface: -Added a new custom Minimap. Triggers: -Fixed an Elixir issue. -Optimized some triggers. -Fixed the Healing Circle trigger so that it won't colide with any other trigger. Others: -Changed Floating damage font size to 9 from 9.5.
-v2.2a- -changelog- Heroes: -Reduced level cap to 20 from 25. Creeps: -If you slay the Elder Voidwalker your team will gain a buff, increasing your damage and armor for 2 minutes. -If you slay the Elder Hydra each member of your team will gain 150 gold. -Added Events. Bandit Raid -Summons 7 bandits and a bandit lord at a random position. Zombie Attack -Summons 10 zombies at a random position. Tornado -Summons a Tornado for 10 seconds at a random position. Event Info an event cannot occur for the first 5 minutes, and the same event cant occur again within 5 minutes, however, when it occurs after that is random. Terrain: -Added some hiding spots. Their located at the middle of each lane. Forces: -Moved the Orb store into the woods. Located at top right corner and bot left corner.
-v2.2- -changelog- Heroes: Ocean Lord -Removed Invulnerability from his Underground Pleasure. -Added a floating text saying he is burrowing when cast. -Increased health regen to 1.5 from 1 when he's burrowed. (He's still invisible while burrowed) Sharpshooter -Fixed Rocket Blast. Terrain: -Terrain remade (again). -Made used map space smaller. -Hiding spots has been removed for now. Creeps: -Some creeps has been removed and some added. Others: -Custom Minimap removed. A new one will be added in short.
-v2.1- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Oiu'galkerz, The Ocean Lord! Try him out! Others: -Corrected the Loading Screen.
-v2.0c- -changelog- Items: -Added Teleportation Scroll! (Teleport to any unit (7 seconds delay)) -Increased delay of Recall scroll to 6 from 3 seconds. Forces: -Denying now made possible! -When you deny a Tower/Minion there will be a notice and you will earn gold for it. -OBS; you can't deny an allied hero. You will get polymorphed for trying to attack an allied hero. -Middle spawn time reduced to 60 from 75 (like the top and bot lanes)
-v2.0b- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Ezera, the Windchaser! Try her out! Diana -Changed model to Gnoll Poacher from Sylvanas Windrunner. -Changed name to Morgan from Diana. -Changed Normal attack model. Items: -Fixed an error where you could obtain a recipe for free. Terrain: -Added a little more detail to the terrain. Interface: -Changed the loading screen. Sound: -Removed all music. (Since 50% (atleast) of all gamers listen to their own music) Known Issues: There is a typo on the loading screen. It says "Version 2.0a". The current version is 2.0b.
-v2.0a- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Elenai, The Moonlord! Try him out! Items: -Added Dark Orb -Added Frost Orb -Added Stone of Flames -Added Dark Sword -Added Frost Sword -Added Fire Sword -Added Moonstone
-v2.0- -changelog- Creeps: -Changed name of Neutral Hostile to Creeps. -Changed name of Neutral Passive to Neutral. Items: -Item Shops redesigned. There are 5 categories: (Weapons, Armor, Tokens, Consumables and Orbs) -Changed icon of the Sword item. -Added Iron Sword -Added Steel Bar -Added Holy Orb -Added Holy Sword
-v1.9a- -changelog- Heroes: Murador -His "Stab" Ability now deals damage. It did not deal damage before, due to an error in the code. -Added a "unit ability" to him, "Jump". Mr Tricky -Fixed a tooltip error on his "Bladestorm" ability.
-v1.9- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Murador, The Sharpshooter! Try him out! (Designed by MR.Tricky) -New Hero! Mr Tricky, The Squad Leader! Try him out! (Designed by MR.Tricky) -Fixed a bug where you could control 2 heroes if you died with Vampire Combatant. Murador -All his abilities deals "Hero" Type of damage. Alsa -The Cooldown on Acid Bolt (E) has been increased to 11 from 2 seconds. Yuri -Yuris slash ability now deals the correct damage its supposed to and to the target only. Forces: -Changed positions of Towers to the center of the lane. (To avoid gaps) Interface: -Removed fog of war and added Black Mask instead. Players: -Added a notice when a player leaves the game.
-v1.8- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Zul'Kis, The Shadow Hunter! Try him out! (Designed by Orcnet) -New Hero! Yuri, The Vampire Combatant! Try him out! (Designed by MR.Tricky) Interface: -Added a custom Minimap.
-v1.7- -changelog- Heroes: -Added a description to the Hero type of armor. -Think i've fixed an issue where the Killing Spree sounds didn't appear. Bug Lord -Fixed some Tooltips that displayed incorrectly. -Fixed a bug which made the Mass Sleep spell work incorrectly. Items: -Added floating texts above shops, to make it easier to find them. -Increased the stat gain to 2 from 1 on tomes in the skull trader. -Added Manual of Health to buy in the Skull Trader store. -Removed cooldown on Tome of Knowledge/Experience. Forces: -Decreased cooldown of upgrading your forces to 5 from 30. -When your castle is vulnerable, you can no longer upgrade your forces. Summoning Circle -Made vulnerable. -If you destroy the other teams Summoning Circle your team will start spawning stronger units. -in order to make it vulnerable, destroy the guard tower infront of it. Terrain: -Added Bushes in which you are able to hide in. Bushes -When you enter a bush, you become invisible aslong as you stay in it, though, other people in it can see you! (Also people with true sight) And the invisibility will break if you attack.
-v1.6a- -changelog- Heroes: -made some "normal damage" balancing. Some heroes had ALOT more starting damage than others. Shadowsong -Fixed Song of Time, it had an issue which made it only target mechinical units. Music: -Added music. Themes from wc3 playing through the map! Units: -fixed some issues which is kinda hard to explain... -Accidently just placed another "consumables" store where the skull trader is supposed to be... The Skull trader is now availible!
-v1.6- -changelog- Heroes: -New hero! Eldin, The Hierophant! Try him out! -Stormwind is now protected by Varian Wrynn! -Silvermoon is now protected by Kael'thas! Overall -Fixed some "Requierd spell levels" for some abilties. Forces: -Dalaran has been changed to Silvermoon! Units: -Towers made stronger! Terrain: -Added more detail on the terrain on the lanes. -Trees made bigger.
-v1.5- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Gary Moore, the Master of Metal! Try him out! (R.I.P Gary Moore) Goblin Mech -Changed damage of Booster to 50/100/150/200 from 200. Rifleman -Changed damage of Jump to 50/100/150/200 from 200. Abilities: -Changed the ability settup completely! 3 normal abilties with 5 levels each 1 Ultimate with 3 levels 1 unit ability.
-v1.4a- -changelog- Heroes: Goblin Mech -Fixed his tooltips to display correctly. Units: -Added a "Skull Trader". Events: -Added Save/Load commands. Game Modes: -Added a no load mode (see game modes).
-v1.4- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Mekka, The Goblin Mech! Try him out! Rifleman -Changed Number of "bombs" that falls of the Bombard ability to 2 from 10. -Changed the Range of "Jump" to 750/900/1050/1200 from 500/650/800/1000 Druid -Increased the pushback range on Cyclone a little bit. Stats -You now gain 1 damage per primary stat instead of 0.60. Items: -The Cleaver is now a chance on hit to decrease nearby units armor. Terrain: -Replaced Sunken Ruins Capony Trees with Summer Tree Walls. Interface: -Changed the icons of movement/hold/patrol/attack/defend/learn. (see credits) -Fixed the Tooltip of the hero stats to something that looks better. -Changed theme from human to night elf.
-v1.3- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Max, the Rifleman! Try him out! -New Hero! Califax, the Druid! Try him out! Forces: -Changed Stormwind Forces name color to a lighter brown. Game Modes: -Added a couple of new game modes to increase the fun and to give the player more possibilities! (Read "Game Modes" for more info)
-v1.2- -changelog- Heroes: Shadowsong -Decreased casting time on Demon Jester to 0.5 from 8/9/10/11 seconds. Flame Lord -Increased damage of Firebolt to 25/35/45/60 from 20/30/40/50. -Decreased cooldown of Fiery Wrath to 11 from 12 seconds. -Increased damage to 20/40/60/80 from 10/20/30/40 and mana cost to 125/130/135/140 from 125 of Temprature. -Changed Through the Ashes Ability. (The Pheonix now has lower damage but chaos type, and its health and movement speed is the same as the hero has at the moment he dies.) -Added Skip level req on Soul Burn. Nether Mage -Changed the cooldown of Nether Pulse to 10/7/4/2 from 15/10/5/1 seconds. Deathsinger -Decreased mana cost of Dark Hounds to 70/72/76/81 from 100. Pounder -Decreased chance on hit of Earth pound to 5/10/15/20 from 10/20/30/40 %. Paladin -Decreased the mana cost of Holy Light to 60/78/84/97 from 65/100/150/200. -Decreased the mana cost of Hand of Protection to 40/47/53/59 from 75. -Decreased the mana cost of Hand of Freedom to 52/59/65/73 from 100. Juggernaut -Decreased the mana cost of Ka'Boom to 62/69/72/81 from 100. -Decreased the mana cost of Wraagh to 20/24/27/31 from 85. -Decreased the mana cost of berserk to 30/32/36/42 from 50. -Decreased the mana cost of Battle Roar to 20/21/23/25 from 50. Events: -Fixed a revival bug with the Dueling system. -Note: There is nothing wrong with the multiboard! To get a kill you just have to do the finishing blow! -You will now gain a skull if you kill an enemy hero! Creeps: -Creeps will now upgrade every 10th minute instead of every 5th. -Creeps will now react on "Takes Damage" instead of "Is attacked". Forces: -Fixed a spawning issue for Stormwind Forces. -Increased the cost of upgrades to 500 from 300. Bugs: -I noticed after some online testing that some people randomly dcd. It was easily fixed, just simply delete your warcraft 3 cache and it's fixed.
-v1.1- -changelog- Heroes: -New Hero! Sinzar, The Shadowsong! Try him out! Other: -Fixed a couple of tooltips I found that showed incorrect text or spelling mistakes.
-v1.0- -changelog- Note: -This map is no longer in Beta stage, it is now in my opinion worth to be called "done". Other: -Fixed some Text Messages that displayed incorrectly.
Рекомендации к установке карты: Поместите скачанную карту в папку Maps в той директории, в которой у вас установлена сама игра; обновите игру до последней версии (для этого можно скачать патчи с сайта из раздела "Патчи" или просто зайдя в систему Battle.net, если вы являетесь владельцем официальной русской версии игры от компании "СофтКлаб". Решение проблем при установки патча вы можете найти здесь. Прочие решения вы можете найти здесь.
Автор модели:Blizzard Ent. Описание: Жрец расы Отрекшихся из WoW. Модель почищена и оптимизирована. Также присутствует портрет. Импорт. текстуры:присутствуют Запрещено копирование этого материала без согласия автора.