Перед вами новая, обновленная Дота 6.75 (Dota Allstars 6.75) на русском языке, скачать которую вы можете уже сейчас. Довольно много времени прошло после выпуска пред идущей версии, и вот наконец-то мы можем насладится новой картой Dota 6.75. Кстати о новой версии - появились 2 новых героя, а так же ещё много чего интересного, список изменений новой Доты 6.75 вы можете изучить на нашем сайте. Удачной игры!
* Goblin Shredder added to Captain's Mode * Skywrath Mage added to Captain's Mode * Captain's Mode first ban phase now has 2 bans instead of 3 * Captain's Mode second ban phase now has 3 bans instead of 2
* Glyph duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds * Enraged Wildkin's Tornado vision decreased from 1200/800 to 300 * Aegis reclaim time decreased from 10 to 6 minutes
* Team AoE bounty for kills with 2 heroes around changed from 9*Level+95 to 12*Level + 125 * Team AoE bounty for kills with 3 heroes around changed from 8*Level+20 to 10*Level+40 * Killer bounty level multiplier increased from 200+5*Level to 200+9*Level * Total XP required for level 7 decreased from 2700 to 2600 * Total XP required for level 8 decreased from 3500 to 3200
* Added a new loading screen
* Random Draft Mode hero pool count increased from 20 to 22 * Recipe items no longer sell for 80% of their price (now 50% like regular items) * Added a 1 second cooldown to placing Observer and Sentry wards (to help prevent accidental usage when lagging) * Fixed various item sell costs * Fixed a lot of tooltips issues * Roshan turn rate increased to fix some abuses * Fixed a bug that could cause Brewmaster to not respawn
* Added a new Agility hero
* Added a new Intelligence hero
Alchemist - Acid Spray damage per second increased from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32 - Acid Spray manacost from 160 to 130/140/150/160 - Chemical Rage Base Attack Time decreased from 1.45/1.3/1.15 to 1.4/1.2/1.0 - Goblin's Greed counter duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds - Goblin's Greed bonus gold scaling adjusted from 2/4/6/8 + 2 to 4/6/8/10 + 1/2/3/4 - Unstable Concoction max damage increased from 130/200/270/340 to 150/220/290/360 - Unstable Concoction no longer displays the countdown numbers to enemies - Unstable Concoction always affects a 175 area around where it explodes
Anti-Mage - Movement speed decreased from 320 to 315 - Blink animation time increased from 0.33 to 0.4 - Legs decreased from 2/2/2/2 to 1/1.5/1.8/1.9
Axe - Berserker's Call bonus armor increased from 30 to 40 - Battle Hunger slow decreased from 10% to 8% - Battle Hunger movement bonus increased from 4% to 8% per affected enemy - Counter Helix damage increased from 100/130/160/190 to 100/135/170/205
Ancient Apparition - Chilling Touch now deals its bonus damage and uses a charge when attacking creeps - Chilling Touch AoE increased from 450 to 525 - Chilling Touch damage increased from 40/50/60/70 to 50/60/70/80 - Chilling Touch duration reduced from 40 to 30 - Ice Blast is no longer dispelled by the Fountain
Bane Elemental - Fiend's Grip Aghanim's duration increased from 6 to 7 - Enfeeble damage reduction increased from 25/50/75/100 to 30/60/90/120 - Enfeeble can no longer be dispelled
Batrider - Cast animation time decreased from 0.3 to 0.2 - Strength growth increased from 2.0 to 2.7 - Turn rate improved from 0.4 to 1.0 - Firefly duration increased from 15 to 18 seconds - Firefly damage trail no longer instantly disappears when Batrider dies
Bloodseeker - Blood Bath death detection AoE for enemy heroes increased from 225 to 325 - Bloodrage bonus base damage from 20/40/60/80% to 30/60/90/120% - Thirst AOE from 1500/3000/4500/6000 to 6000 - Thirst MS bonus from 11/22/33/44% to 15/25/35/45% - Thirst HP percentage detection rescaled from constant 40% to 20/30/40/50% HP (invis is half that)
Bristleback - Quill Spray damage cap increased from 220 to 400 - Warpath damage per stack increased from 10/15/20 to 20/25/30 - Warpath base damage increased from 10/20/30 to 20/25/30 - Fixed how Quill Spray damage threshold works
Broodmother - Spawn Spider's Spiderite bounty increased from 11-13 to 16-21 - Incapacitating Bite no longer gives 2/4/6/8 bonus damage - Incapacitating Bite miss rate increased from 10/15/20/25 to 10/20/30/40
Centaur - Double Edge now deals its damage in a 190 AoE around the target
Chaos Knight - Chaos Bolt's stun is no longer partially undodgeable (now a normal projectile with 1000 speed)
Chen - Holy Persuasion no longer has the ability to teleport allied units - Test of Faith grants you a secondary ability to teleport allied units
Clinkz - Strafe attack speed bonus increased from 110 to 130
Clockwerk - Strength growth increased from 2.4 to 2.7 - Battery Assault damage interval improved from 0.75 to 0.7 - Power Cogs damage and mana drain increased from 60/90/120/150 to 80/120/160/200 - Power Cogs duration increased from 3/4/5/6 to 5/6/7/8 - Fixed Power Cogs not triggering and burning mana/hp when someone Force Staffs over it
Crystal Maiden - Freezing Field duration increased from 4 to 7 seconds
Dark Seer - Movement speed decreased from 305 to 300 - Vacuum cooldown increased from 16 to 19 - Vacuum cast range decreased from 550 to 500 - Vacuum AoE decreased from 275/375/475/575 to 250/350/450/550 - Vacuum can no longer pull invulnerable units
Dazzle - Poison Touch level 4 cooldown decreased from 9 to 7 - Shadow Wave AoE increased from 170 to 185
Disruptor - Static Storm max damage increased from 170/210/250 to 170/220/270
Doom Bringer - Devour creep level restriction removed - Devour cooldown from 60/55/50/45 to 70/60/50/40 - Devour gold from 40/60/80/100 to 25/50/75/100 - Devour manacost from 60 to 60/50/40/30 - Level Death bonus damage now deals 20% of Max HP instead of a fixed amount - Level Death damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 125/175/225/275 - Scorched Earth damage/heal increased from 12/16/20/24 to 12/18/24/30
Dragon Knight - Armor decreased by 1 - Dragon Blood armor bonus increased from 2/4/6/8 to 3/6/9/12 - Elder Dragon form level 2/3 no longer gives bonus damage (was 5/14) - Elder Dragon form level 2/3 splash area rescaled slightly
Drow Ranger - Frost Arrow's slow increased from 50% to 60% at level 4 - Marksmanship level 3 agility bonus increased from 45 to 60 - Trueshot Aura damage bonus increased from 7/14/21/28% to 8/16/24/32% - Silence cooldown decreased from 15 to 13
Earthshaker - Enchant Totem cooldown decreased from 7 to 6 seconds
Ember Spirit - Armor decreased by 1 - Fire Remnant recharge time increased from 30 to 35 seconds - Fire Remnant damage per instance from 120/160/200 to 100/150/200
Enigma - Malefice damage reduced from 30/40/65/80 to 40/40/65/65 (still 1/2/2/3 pulses) - Midnight Pulse cast range from 500 to 700 - Blackhole manacost from 200/300/400 to 250/350/450
Faceless Void - Time Lock deals twice as much damage when it procs on a target in Chronosphere - Faceless Void can no longer be frozen by any Chronosphere!!
Furion - Movement speed decreased from 300 to 295 - Force of Nature's Treant's magic resistance decreased from 33% to 20%
Goblin Shredder - Strength growth reduced from 2.4 to 2.1 - Chakram moves 20% slower
Guardian Wisp - Overcharge HP/MP cost over time increased from 2.5% to 3.5% - Tether regeneration transfer now heals the Tethered unit at 1.5x the rate of Wisp
Gyrocopter - Movement speed increased from 305 to 315 - Flak Cannon AoE increased from 800 to 1000 - Call Down AoE increased from 400 to 450
Huskar - Burning Spears duration increased from 6 to 7 - Inner Vitality can now be cast on magic immune targets - Life Break Aghanim's cooldown decreased from 24/16/8 to 4
Invoker - Invoker base damage decreased by 4
Jakiro - Facing direction now more accurately matches his turn rate (just a visual change) - Liquid Fire AoE increased from 175 to 300 - Ice Path reworked
Juggernaut - Base attack time decreased from 1.7 to 1.6 - Omnislash now kills creeps and neutrals in 1 hit
Keeper of the Light - Chakra manacost rescaled from 40/55/70/85 to 25/45/65/85 - Mana Leak cooldown decreased from 18 to 16 - Illuminate cast range changed to be the same as its travel range (just a UI change) - Illuminate max hit distance increased from 1600 to 2000
Krobelus - Armor increased by 1
Kunkka - Base strength increased by 3 - Ghost Ship cooldown decreased from 90/80/70 to 60/50/40 - Ghost Ship impact AoE increased from 400 to 425
Legion Commander - Fixed Overwhelming Odds giving 6% instead of 9% movement per hero - Overwhelming Odds bonus summoned unit/illusion damage reduced from 50% to 25% - Press The Attack cooldown rescaled from 15 to 16/15/14/13
Leshrac - Diabolic Edict now uses Leshrac's cast animation time
Lich - Frost Nova cooldown decreased from 9.25/9.25/9.25/8 to 8
Lina - Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 40/50/60/70 to 40/55/70/85 - Laguna Blade cooldown rescaled from 120/90/55 to 90/70/50
Lion - Finger of Death cooldown rescaled from 150/90/55 to 170/105/40 - Finger of Death damage increased from 500/650/850 to 600/725/850 (Aghanim's from 600/800/1025 to 725/875/1025) - Mana Drain initial cast range increased from 600/650/700/750 to 750 - Mana Drain threshold range increased from 800 to 850 - Mana Drain cooldown decreased from 25/20/15/10 to 20/15/10/5
Lone Druid - Spirit Bear can no longer be resummoned while it is taking damage
Lord of Avernus - Armor decreased by 2 - Aphotic Shield cooldown decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6 - Borrowed Time cooldown now scales from 60 to 60/50/40 - Death Coil cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 seconds - Frostmourne enemy debuff duration increased from 2 to 2.5
Luna - Moon Glaive level 4 bounce count increased 4 to 5
Lycanthrope - Summon Wolves manacost increased from 125 to 145 - Spirit Wolves HP decreased from 400/450/500/550 to 200/240/280/320 - Spirit Wolves now have 50% magic resistance - Fixed Shapeshift speed buff remaining after dying with Aegis
Magnus - Agility growth increased from 1.8 to 2.5 - Empower damage and cleave bonus increased from 15/25/35/45% to 20/30/40/50% - Skewer slow duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
Murloc Nightcrawler - Dark Pact cooldown decreased from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6 - Shadow Dance HP regen increased from 3/4/5% to 3/5/7%
Medusa - Mana Shield absorption rate increased from 0.75/1.25/1.5/2 to 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 - Mystic Snake damage bonus per jump increased from 20% to 25% - Split Shot damage per arrow increased from 45/55/65/75% to 50/60/70/80%
Meepo - Geomancer clones stat sharing increased from 25% to 30% - Geostrike DPS increased from 5/10/15/20 to 7/14/21/28
Mirana - Elune's Arrow cooldown decreased from 25 to 20 - Starfall's second single unit impact damage increased from 50% to 75% of the original
Morphling - Cast animation time increased from 0.3 to 0.45 - Morph manacost increased from 20 to 30 mana per second - Base damage decreased by 6 - Waveform AoE decreased from 255 to 200 - Waveform no longer allows you to start attacking/casting before it is completed
Naga Siren - Base damage decreased by 12 - Cast animation time increased from 0.5 to 0.65
Naix - Rage duration increased from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75 to 3/4/5/6
Necrolyte - Death Pulse heal rescaled from 50/75/100/130 to 70/90/110/130 - Sadist reworked
Nerubian Assassin - Base HP regeneration increased to 2.5 - Mana Burn drain amount increased from 4*Int to 5*Int - Mana Burn manacost rescaled from 90/110/130/150 to 130/120/110/100 - Vendetta movement speed increased from 10/15/20% to 16/18/20% - Spiked Carapace reworked
Nerubian Weaver - The Swarm's attack rate improved from 1.5 to 1.35
Obsidian Destroyer - Astral Imprisonment intelligence steal increased from 2/4/6/8 to 4/6/8/10
Ogre Magi - Armor increased by 1 - Aghanim's Unrefined Fireblast cooldown decreased from 20 to 10 - Bloodlust can now target catapults - Bloodlust movement speed bonus increased from 6/9/12/15% to 10/12/14/16%
Omniknight - Degen Aura AoE increased from 300 to 315
Panda Brewmaster - Primal Split units are now affected by Black Hole
Pit Lord - Dark Rift now has a subability that allows the effect to be canceled before it resolves
- Dark Rift now makes its teleportation target a low priority target similar to how Boots of Travel works - Replaced Expulsion with a new ability
- Reworked how Firestorm works
Phantom Assassin - Coup de Grace critical strike multiplier increased from 2.5/3.25/4 to 2.5/3.5/4.5
Phantom Lancer - Agility growth increased from 2.8 to 4.2 - Spirit Lance slow duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds
Phoenix - Phoenix base damage decreased by 6 - Phoenix base strength decreased by 2 - Phoenix base movement speed decreased from 290 to 285 - Supernova now refreshes Phoenix's other skills (not items) if the sun survives - Fire Spirits reworked
- Icarus Dive reworked
- Sunray reworked
Puck - Dream Coil duration increased from 5 to 6 (Aghanim's from 7 to 8) - Illusory Orb AoE increased from 200 to 225 - Waning Rift damage increased from 60/120/180/240 to 70/140/210/280 - Fixed Phase Shift invulnerability duration ending 0.25 seconds too soon
Pugna - Movement speed increased from 315 to 320 - Nether Ward mana flare damage increased from 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 - Life Drain break range increased from 850 to 900
Razor - Plasma Field Min damage from 80/120/160/200 to 60/100/140/180 - Plasma Field Max damage from 140/210/280/350 to 160/230/300/370 - Static Link no longer breaks if Razor loses vision of the target - Static Link can no longer ground target - Static Link can now target magic immune (it could before via ground seeking) - Unstable Current's purge duration increased from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2 to 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6
Rubick - Movement speed decreased from 300 to 290 - Fade Bolt bounce AoE decreased from 500 to 440
Shadow Demon - Soul Catcher manacost increased from 50 to 50/60/70/80 - Shadow Poison AoE increased from 150 to 180
Shadow Fiend - Necromastry hero kill soul increment increased from 6 to 12 - Presence of the Dark Lord armor reduction improved from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6 - Requiem of Souls has a new passive component that triggers upon death
Silencer - Strength growth increased from 1.7 to 2.2 - Global Silence duration increased from 3/4/5 to 3/4.5/6 - Last Word now always steals 2 intelligence if an enemy hero dies in its AoE
Skeleton King - Hellfire Blast slow increased from 15% to 20%
Skywrath Mage - Concussive Shot cooldown decreased from 20/19/18/17 to 20/18/16/14
Slardar - Amplify Damage armor reduction increased from 8/12/16 to 8/14/20
Sniper - Headshot damage increased from 30/40/50/60 to 30/45/60/75 - Take Aim range bonus increased from 65/130/195/260 to 75/150/225/300 - Shrapnel AoE increased from 350 to 360 - Shrapnel duration increased from 8 to 9
Spectre - Desolate damage increased from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65
Spirit Breaker - Base strength increased by 6 - Damage increased by 9 - Charge of Darkness no longer gives a buff indicator - Charge of Darkness speed increased from 425/500/575/650 to 600/650/700/750 - Empowering Haste no longer increases Spirit Breaker's damage - Empowering Haste movement bonus aura rescaled from 6/8/10/12% to 6/10/14/18% - Greater Bash now deals damage based on your movement speed (10/20/30/40% of speed) - Greater Bash duration increased from 0.95/1.15/1.35/1.55 to 1/1.2/1.4/1.6 - Fixed Greater Bash not affecting magic immune units
Storm Spirit - Static Remnant cooldown decreased from 4 to 3.5
Sven - Great Cleave AoE increased from 200 to 300 - Great Cleave damage from 30/40/50/60% to 25/40/55/70% - God's Strength bonus damage increased from 100/140/180% to 100/150/200% - Warcry AoE increased from 700 to 900 - Warcry armor increased from 3/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16
Tauren Chieftain - Ancestral spirit can now be controlled, until it starts to return to you - Ancestral Spirit's movement speed is now equal to Tauren Chieftain's rather than fixed at 455 - Ancestral Spirit return abilty no longer interrupts your hero - Ancestral Spirit now has the Echo Stomp and Spirit Return abilities it can cast directly
Techies - Armor increased by 6 - Land Mine cooldown from 25/20/15/12 to 25/20/15/10
Templar Assassin - Psi Blades no longer spills damage when attacking illusions
Terrorblade - Armor increased by 2 - Base hp regen increased to 2 - Sunder is no longer blocked by Magic Immunity - Metamorphosis reworked
- Reflection reworked
- Zeal replaced with Conjure Image
Tidehunter - Ravage travel speed decreased from 900 to 775
Tiny - Toss's cast range rescaled from 700/900/1100/1300 to 1300
Treant Protector - Damage increased by 14 - Base attack time increased from 1.7 to 1.9 - Overgrowth no longer does damage - Overgrowth duration from 3 to 3/3.75/4.5 - Overgrowth cooldown from 115/105/95 to 80 - Living Armor aura replaced with a new active ability
Troll Warlord - Battle Trance now lasts full duration for allies
Tuskarr - Snowball now carries all Tuskarr's controlled units as well - Snowball cooldown decreased from 28 to 24 - Walrus Punch crit increased from 2.5x to 3x for above 50% HP targets - Backswing animation time decreased (cosmetic)
Undying - Decay steal duration increased from 21/24/27/30 to 25/30/35/40 - Decay AoE increased from 300 to 325 - Tombstone Death Lust hp requirement also triggers if the target is below 5/10/15/20% hp
Ursa Warrior - Cast animation time decreased from 0.5 to 0.3 - Overpower now uses Ursa's cast animation time
Vengeful Spirit - Agility gain increased from 2.35 to 2.8
Venomancer - Plague Wards vision decreased from 1400 to 1200
Viper - Corrosive Skin duration increased from 3 to 4 - Viper Strike Aghanim's cast range increased from 800 to 900 - Nethertoxin max damage increased from 32/64/96/128 to 40/80/120/160
Visage - Base Intelligence increased by 3 - Grave Chill attack speed drain increased from 32 to 64 - Familiar's base attack time decreased from 0.6 to 0.4 - Soul Assumption damage per charge increased from 60 to 65
Warlock - Shadow Word damage/heal increased from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45 per second
Witch Doctor - Death Ward attack cooldown decreased from 0.3 to 0.25 - Maledict bonus damage per 100 lost HP rescaled from 10/20/30/40 to 16/24/32/40
Zeus - Arc Lightning cooldown decreased from 2 to 1.75 - Thundergod's Wrath cooldown decreased from 120 to 90
* Added a new basic item Shadow Amulet
Abyssal Blade - Can now be disassembled
Ancient Janggo of Endurance - Bonus damage decreased from 9 to 3
Arcane Boots - Replenish Mana cooldown increased from 45 to 55
Armlet of Mordiggian - Armlet HP regeneration increased from 5 to 8 - Armlet lifedrain increased from 37 to 40 - Armlet toggle cooldown reduced from 5 to 1 second
Black King Bar - Can no longer be sold
Blademail - Damage Return duration increased from 4 to 4.5 seconds
Blood Stone - Charges now increment if you get a kill out of range
Buriza-do Kyanon - Critical strike multiplier increased from 2.5 to 2.7
Dagon - Dagon cooldown decreased from 40/36/32/28/24 to 35/30/25/20/15
Stygian Desolator - Desolator duration increased from 7 to 15 seconds
Ethereal Blade - Ether Blast can now be cast on allied units - Ether Blast now does damage based on the primary attribute of the holder instead of always agility - Ether Blast manacost increased from 50 to 150
Eul's Scepter of Divinity - Recipe cost decreased from 600 to 500
Force Staff - Recipe cost increased to 500 - Force no longer pushes through Kinetic Field - When Power Cogs is triggered by Force Staff, Power Cogs knockback takes priority
Gem of True Sight - Restock cooldown increased from 8 to 10 minutes
Heaven's Halberd - Disarm duration on ranged heroes increased from 4 to 4.5 seconds
Helm of the Dominator - Dominate cooldown decreased from 300 to 60 - Dominate no longer has a duration (was 20 minutes) - Dominating a creep when you already control one will replace your current one
Lothar's Edge - Lothar's Edge duration from 9 to 12 seconds - Recipe Reworked
Manta Style - Recipe cost increased from 650 to 900
Mask of Madness - Berserk's movement bonus increased from 25 to 30%
Null Talisman - Recipe cost decreased from 170 to 155
Observer Wards - Observer Wards gold cost decreased from 200 to 150
Orb of Venom - Cost decreased from 350 to 275
Orchid - Soul Burn's damage amplification increased from 25 to 30%
Power Treads - Attack speed bonus increased from 25 to 30
Radiance - Burn damage increased from 40 to 45
Rod of Atos - HP bonus increased from 250 to 325 - Cooldown decreased from 20 to 16
Sange - Recipe cost decreased from 700 to 600
Smoke of Deceit - Now dispelled when Primal Split units are nearby
Soul Ring - Cooldown increased from 25 to 30
Tranquil Boots - Break requirement decreased from 4 to 3
Veil of Discord - Armor bonus increased from 5 to 6 - HP regeneration increased from 5 to 6 - Discord AoE increased from 500 to 550 - Discord cast range increased from 875 to 1000
Yasha - Recipe cost decreased from 700 to 600
Русский список изменений Доты 6.75 - я начал переводить его, можно изучить его там пока что. Не выкладываю сюда т.к. боюсь потерять права на перевод, чуть позже сюда тоже выложу, а пока можно изучать на этом сайте.
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я ненавижу когда что либо изменяют я из за обновлений в wow перестал играть...хватит игры поганить! кто со мной на штурм близзард?мы будем биться за возращение короля лича!в атаку!!!!!!!!!
Я посмотрел получше.. версия дерьмо. Пит лорд совсем другим стал, был лучше, интереснее. Терора скривили, феникс лажа полная стал, кент, траха, морта - че за нафиг? он че обкурился? Какой 4,5 какой 60 ловкости, сплеш? хотя сплеш еще терпимо. Порадовало алхимика 3 скила. Жду версию b надеюсь на адекватность. А что геры новые порадовало.
Неплохая... нет - хорошая!!! РПГ! В ней доволи реалистично всё выглядит... Рельеф на высоте, декорациии. Удачно продуман вход в здание - перемещение в другую локацию, при этом видимость остальная - удаляеться!!! Не менее увлекательные квесты!