-new Loading Screen
-new Map Preview
-2 New Heroes (Cyclops and Efreet Sultan)
-new command "-dmxfunroll" (fun in-game command for killing time during the match)
-new command "-comnum" (displays the number of command you've given to your Hero/ine in the periods of 60 seconds)
-new command -camcom (shows the list of commands available for 3D camera mode)
-1 new achiemvent (Clickerz - this is also new type of achievment called Timed Achievment)
-New Fame, Gold and Medal system (check out the site for more info)
-smoothed the game camera
-changed the time span between the spree, -1 second after each spree (you have 11 seconds to perform threesome after double-kill, 10 to done-4 after threesome and etc.)
-in Easy Mode players now lose less gold (twice)
-new 3D camera system (made by me, less lag and leakless)
Balance and Fixes
-Paladin has new buff for his "Shield" ability
-Paladin has new effect for his "Ascension ability"
-Changed the Snowman description
-Necromancers Skeletons have new look now
-Demon Hounds now have Fel Step ability
-Replaced Nara's "Nether Shift" with new ability "Clutch of Darkness"
-Reduced the lifsteal of Nara's "Dread Arrows" ability
-fixed the "-fl" command
-Cavalier has now new, way cooler lance
-items "Granchica", "Gloves of Haste" and "Boots of Speed" now have models according to the icons
-added arrows to the Hero Selection (just for look)
-Wondo has been hardcore rebalanced, base attack cooldown is set to 1.93, 28 base damage, +2.6 Int per lvl, +2.5 str per lvl, 590 base hitpoints, and has heavily reduced cooldown of his abilities.
-New buff when "Midnight Bargain" is activated
-Alchemist has now new animation for transmute while in normal form
-removed the default game bounty from Heroes/ines
-Modifed the Blood Reaver ability
-changed "Blood Reaver" hotkey to "R"
-added new icon for "Cleaving Attack"
-Replaced Blood Knight's "Pain Aura" with new "Gore" ability
-Changed Thorn's "Entangling Roots" ability
-improved AoE of the "Ground Spikes" ability (outer ring misses bug)
-fixed "Geyser" bug and increased AoE to 240
-Modified "Erect Tower" reducing the attack range of towers ad Rook is now no longer able to erect tower if there is another withing the 500 range of the erecting tower (no more tower clustering)